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其中之一是音高。One is pitch.

几种音高How many pitches?

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这个音高We need this pitch, here.

还有就是音高的变化。The second is pitch variability.

一个动作,两个音符,两个音高One gesture, two notes, two pitches.

几乎是同样音高,对吗Almost the same sounding pitch. Right?

我们唱了几个音高So how many pitches are we generating?

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改变音高,声像,节奏,数量等。Alter the pitch, pan, tempo, volumes etc.

他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准。He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.

这就是单音织体,只有一个音高So that's monophonic texture, just one pitch.

你怎么觉得,有几个音高呢What do you think about that? How many pitches?

好的,我们讨论了一些有关音高的话题Okay. We've talked a little bit about pitch here.

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这里没有音高,只有旋律Okay? There is no pitch to it. It is just rhythm.

以后我们会用到所有的音高,共十二个We're going to use all of the pitches, all twelve here.

我们就在这里谈谈旋律,谈谈音高Let's talk about melody here and let's talk about pitch.

同时你也能听到很少量的其它音高You are also hearing very small amounts of other pitches.

有人记得第二重要的音高吗It's the--Anybody remember the second most important pitch?

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伟大的视觉饲料回半音管理单元,和实际音高的指标。Great visual feed-back with semitone snap, and actual pitch indicator.

然后下一个音高在小号那里,实际上是一个五度音程Then the next pitch on the trumpet is actually an interval of a fifth.

把竹笛的音高吹准,是演奏笛曲的基础与关键。To give a correct pitch is the basic and key point to play bamboo flute.