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说句公道话,他是一个温厚的人。To do him justice, he is a good-natured m an.

“他骚扰你了,是吗?”梅利温厚问道。"He upset you, didn't he?" Melly asked gently.

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温厚的泰森先生被他妻子彻底蒙骗了。The mild Mr. Tyson was completely foxed by his wife.

马洛伊说话很严厉,但有一张温厚的女人似的脸。Malloy always talked hard, but he had a soft , womanish face.

海伦温厚说。她起身取来她姐姐的信,递给劳拉。She got up and fetched her sister's letter and handed it to Nora.

艺术家们最清楚地感受到了这个城市的温厚和敦良。That bonhomie is perhaps most clearly felt by the city’s artists.

杰克是个聪明的孩子,他身强力壮,性情温厚,手脚勤快。Jack was a clever boy, strong, good-natured , and ready with his hands.

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她温厚而又古怪的家人对她的创造力给予了鼓励。Vardalos' good- natured and eccentric family encouraged the youngster' s creativity.

为人温厚,看来是那麽容易,我对人们之不辞辛劳地采取其他态度而感到奇怪。It seems so easy to be good- nature, I wonder anybody took the trouble to be anything else.

为人温厚,看来是那么容易,我对人们之不辞辛劳地采取其他态度而感到奇怪。It seems so easy to be good- natured, I wonder anybody takes the trouble to be anything else.

来自瑞士的无糖栗蓉,绝美匹配香草蛋糕,细腻温厚,香浓得宜。Sugar-free chestnut paste from Switzerland topped with cream vanilla is truly a must for chestnut lovers.

脱口秀主持人、喜剧演员艾伦。德杰尼勒斯以她温厚、亲切的幽默而大受观众喜爱。Talk show host and comedian Ellen DeGeneres embraces her audience by sharing good-natured, relatable humor.

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触目横斜千万多,赏心只有三两支,我们的交往,是淡而真,纯而暖的,是绵软而温厚的。See cross million reward, only three two, our exchanges, is light and true, pure and warm, is soft and gentle.

繁华、沧桑、热闹、幽静,古朴与现代融合,匆匆忙忙的生活中,保持着温厚与淳朴。Flourishing, old, busy, quiet, combines with quaint and modern, the busy life still keeps good nature and simple.

母亲朱梅馥是一个具有东方文化素养,又经西方文化洗礼,既端庄贤淑,又温厚善良的东方女性。Mother Zhu Meifu is an oriental culture and Western culture, through baptism, dignified and virtuous, gentle kindness Oriental female.

我只能说他是个很有理智的人,受过良好的教育,见多识广,举止文雅,而且我认为他心地温厚。I can only pronounce him to be a sensible man, well-bred, well-informed, of gentle address, and, I believe, possessing an amiable heart.

虽然他心肠友好,性情温厚而到处为人所爱,但他的才智无论在什么时候都是微不足道的。Though everywhere beloved for the friendliness of his heart and his amiable temper, his talents could not have recommended him at any time.

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优雅含蓄、装饰考究的家居空间,宽框家具整体视觉上很简洁,亦不乏令人踏实的温厚之感。The elegant, reserved and beautifully decorated home space and the simple wide-frame furniture in the whole vision bring you a peaceful and warm feel.

以温厚高速公路龙王庙特大桥承台施工为背景,介绍了模板式钢套箱技术在水下承台施工中的应用。Based on the pile cap construction of Longwangmiao bridge in Wenjiazhen-Houtian highway, template-based steel cofferdam is used in underwater pile cap.

拥有坚强的信念和强壮的体力。有耐力,有牛脾气。温厚老实,明辨是非,按部就班,事业心强。They have the temper of ox, make a clear distinction between the right and the wrong, act in accordance to the rules, and persevere in their undertakings.