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他把金属丝拗成了一个U字形。He twisted the wire into a U shape.

精钢,G字形水晶表带。Stainless steel crystal G bracelet.

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在字形缓冲区中的字形数量。Count of glyphs in the glyph buffer.

现有两种字形在Truetype。Available are two weights in TrueType.

呈大字形躺在草地上。Sunbathers lay spread-eagled on the grass.

字形上统一写法,减少异体字。The form is unified and variants are reduced.

耳朵呈V字形,小,但不能太薄。The ears are V-shaped, small, but not too thin.

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胶与橡胶外底,人字形牵引模式。Gum rubber outsole with herringbone traction pattern.

1900年,安德烈·雪铁龙发明了人字形齿轮。In 1900, Andre Citroen invented the herringbone gear.

再来是排成各种字形的花床。Then come flower-beds arranged in all kinds of figures.

花序轴“之”字形弯曲的有限花序。A determinate cymose inflorescence with a zigzag rachis.

很多岩画里都有波浪形和Z字形。Many of these show wave oscillation and zigzag patterns.

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耐用的橡胶大底,人字形牵引模式。Durable rubber outsole with herringbone traction pattern.

这些字体的确更接近纯粹的基本的字形.These fonts are closer to the pure, underlying letterforms.

在放大后的图像中可以见到船只或小艇V字形的尾迹。V-shaped ship or boat wakes are visible in the large image.

要他钻进这个“工”字形的洞口,是完全不可能的。It was just impossible for him to get into this I-shaped hole.

菌柄多侧生,稍作「之」字形弯曲,亦为黄褐色。Stipe mostly laterally located curved in zigzag way, yellow-brown.

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所述的管正结构从侧面看形似“C”字形。The pipe correction structure is shaped like C from the side view.

盾片由3对毛基粒彼此紧靠而成“Y”字形排布。Scutica consisting of 3 pairs of kinetosomes, arranged in "Y"-shape.

我们也看到大雁在我们头顶以完美的V字形队列高高飞翔。We also saw large geese high overhead, flying in perfect V formation.