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他刹车过晚。He braked late.

刹车油位低。Brake fluid level low.

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刹车毂加工。Machining of brake hub.

刹车盘的扭曲。Warping of brake discs.

在驼峰段刹车。Brakes on a gravity hump.

道路结冰时要缓慢地刹车。When it's icy brake gently.

可附加全宽刹车。Full wide brake can be added.

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刹车发出吱吱声。The brakes of the car squealed.

他在雪中小心用刹车。He braked carefully in the snow.

尖锐的刹车声……我的妹妹没有转过头来。My sister never turned her head.

司机赶紧踩住刹车。The driver slammed on the brakes.

准备好了.再告诉我一遍.哪个是刹车?Yes. Which one is the brake again?

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看到停车标志驾驶员就刹车了。The driver braked at the stop sign.

刹车抱死,结果汽车打滑。The brakes locked and the car skidded.

起钻时不要猛刹车。Don't brake suddenly while pulling out.

我觉得我自己是个真正的晚刹车车手。L"m finding myself a real late braker."

雪佛兰埃尔卡米诺刹车盘在最好的价格!Snow Camino brakes at the "best" prices!

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汽车停下时刹车发出尖利的声音。The brakes screeched as the car stopped.

汽车停时,收回锋利刺耳刺耳的刹车声。The brakes screeched as the car stopped.

司机用脚猛踩刹车。The driver jammed his foot on the brake.