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帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。Imperialism turn tail and ran away.

它是具有侵略性和帝国主义性质的。It is aggressive and imperialistic.

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帝国主义灭绝人性地屠杀是有罪的。Imperialism is guilty of mass murder.

这样的行为有时又被称作“新帝国主义”。This is sometimes called neo-imperialism.

列宁将帝国主义者清除出地球。Comrade Lenin cleans exploiters from earth.

帝国主义搜括殖民地的资源。Imperialism picked the resources of colony.

帝国主义的好战的统治阶级。The imperialist war-mongering ruling classes.

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今天,反帝国主义者几乎无衣可穿。Today, the anti-emperor has almost no clothes.

这是一场“帝国主义狗咬狗的战争”。This is an imperialist dog-eat-dog type of war.

帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。Imperialism flees with its tail between its legs.

这里同样也有“帝国主义越界”的迹象。Here too, there are signs of "imperial overreach".

我认为有这样一种本质帝国主义的存在。I think there is an essential sort of imperialism.

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1897年的庆典是对五光十色的帝国主义政策的御前恩准。In 1897, to sanctify the trumperies of imperialism.

帝国主义不久就将会步向灭亡。It won't be long before imperialism came to its end.

当时人们认为吉他是堕落的帝国主义乐器。Jazz was considered a degenerate, imperialist music.

它还创造出一种双刃的文化帝国主义。It also creates a sort of two-edged cultural imperialism.

帝国主义分子决不肯放下屠刀。The imperialists will never lay down their butcher knives.

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帝国主义的核“威慑力量”已经破产。The imperialists' nuclear "deterrent" has met its failure.

这种冲击削弱了这个帝国主义国家的实力。The impact impaired the power of the imperialistic country.

他什么时候反过蒋介石,反过帝国主义呢?When, if ever, did he oppose Chiang Kai-shek or imperialism?