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我的名字是伪造。My name is WangLe han.

Tupac伪造了自己的死亡!Tupac faked his own death!

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他试图伪造证据。He tried to forge evidence.

然而诈骗和伪造是违法的。But fraud and forgery are illegal.

是的,甚至是伪造的牛仔裤。Yes, even jeans are counterfeited.

伪造钱币是犯罪行为。It is a crime to counterfeit money.

俄罗斯称这份文件是伪造的。Russia says the document is a fake.

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我们得用0或1来伪造。You have to fake it by using 0 or 1.

书中全豹的人物都是伪造捏造的。All characters in the plan are imaginary.

听说。他犯的是伪造证件罪?His offence had been, I believe, forgery?

放大文书伪造铁框。Larger instrument with forged iron frame.

我们疑心这个证件是伪造的。We suspect the paper to be a counterfeit.

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我要告他伪造证件,盗窃财物。I shall charge him with forgery and theft.

这只是一个伪造用户的阻吓作用。It will just be a deterrent to fake users.

威廉斯插入了许多伪造的素材。Williams interpolated much spurious matter.

江西人贩谋杀智障汉伪造矿难骗取赔偿。Gang murders man then sues for compensation.

防止跨站请求伪造。Guarding against Cross-Site Request Forgery.

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都灵裹尸布是被达芬奇伪造的?Was Turin Shroud faked by Leonardo da Vinci?

你不用发表你伪造的结果。You don't publish results that you've faked.

伪造有困难的时候出售其产品。Forgers have a hard time selling their products.