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打摆子,间日疟,三日疟,疟疾。AGUE, tertian fever, quartan fever, paludism.

间日疟原虫被人们忽略,这是由于它很少导致死亡。has been neglected because it is rarely fatal.

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我们正在为另外6株间日疟原虫进行测序。We are sequencing six more strains of P. vivax.

间日疟原虫和恶性疟原虫是最常见的类型。P. vivax and P. falciparum are the most common forms.

间日疟原虫被人们忽略,这是由于它很少导致死亡。P. vivax has been neglected because it is rarely fatal.

恶性疟与间日疟之间无交叉反应。There is no cross reaction between P. falciparum and P. vivax.

恶性疟和间日疟最常见。Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are the most common.

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因此研究表明间日疟原虫已经攻克了达菲-阴性。So we’ve shown that Plasmodium vivax has cleared Duffy negativity.

他还指出,“间日疟原虫将会成为发展中国家疟疾的主要代表”。vivax is poised to become the face of malaria in the developing world.

杜菲阴性的非洲人一直被认为对间日疟原虫拥有抵抗力。Duffy-negative Africans have been considered to be resistant to Plasmodium vivax.

科学家也打算进行一个类似的间日疟原虫的测绘项目。A similar mapping exercise is also planned for the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.

感染了间日病原虫的个体可能在数年内没有任何症状之后却会复发。An individual infected with it may remain symptomless for several years and then relapse.

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目的观察不同密度间日疟原虫对中华按蚊的感染性。ABSTEACT. AIM To study the infectivity of different densities of P. vivax to An. sinensis.

恶性疟原虫使用与间日疟原虫和诺氏疟原虫相似的蛋白质入侵红细胞。P. falciparum invades human blood cells using proteins similar to those of P. vivax and P. knowlesi.

缺乏关于间日疟原虫的数据意味着这项研究只能带来关于恶性疟原虫的可靠估计。A lack of data on Plasmodium vivax meant the study could only produce robust estimates for P. falciparum.

间日疟是第二个最常见的疟疾类型,且对大部分以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法敏感。Plasmodium vivax malaria which is the second most common type of malaria also responds well to most ACTs.

现在间日疟原虫必须依靠达菲蛋白进入红细胞。Now, the Duffy blood-group protein is essentially necessary for Plasmodium vivax to get into the red cell.

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间日疟原虫和诺氏疟原虫两种疟疾寄生虫,利用DARC蛋白来入侵的血细胞。Two malaria parasites, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi, use the DARC protein to invade blood cells.

斯氏按蚊是亚洲导致间日疟疾的疟原虫的一种重要传播媒介。A. stephensi is an important mosquito vector of Plasmodium vivax ― the parasite that causes malaria ― in Asia.

事实上在过去的一年中我已经尝试了各种版本的晨间日程,并充分地享受了它们。I've actually tried different versions of a morning routine in the past year, and have enjoyed them immensely.