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现在,我要把这一切都置之度外。All that is now behind me.

他已将一切置之度外了。Nothing else matters for him.

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他仿佛已把自己的安危置之度外。He seemed careless of his own safety.

专家们希望把自己的早期作品置之度外。Experts expect to throw away some early work.

她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.

那些消防队员把他们自己的安全置之度外。The firefighters showed contempt for their own safety.

译〕把生死置之度外者,大多会成功。He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.

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而那些把旅行置之度外,只求达到尽善尽美的海鸥,却速度极快,想去哪儿就去哪儿。Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere, instantly.

战争更使得土地的所有权和管理被置之度外。And fighting makes it nearly impossible to rethink land ownership or management.

革命先烈为了革命事业把生死置之度外。For the revolutionary cause many martyrs left life and death out of consideration.

对人类性格及其风俗习惯的任何方面,他都不应当完全置之度外。Of human character and its customs of any connection, he should not entirely disregard.

作为“地球村”的一员,每个国家对这些问题既不能置之度外,也难以独自解决。As a member of the "global village", no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.

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他希望自己战死沙场,在前线他把自己的生命置之度外。Hoping to die in battle, he would fight in the front line, exposing himself without any worry for his life.

如果这些善意或人生规划将神或基督置之度外,它注定会失败。If those intentions or plans in life leave God or Christ out of the picture, it's plan destined for failure.

魔音却对一切的奏报置之度外,只是传令全国的戎行速向都城集结!But the magic sounds all the newspaper out, just across the country to military speed messenger capital rally!

截拳道使我们一旦确定了方向即不再回首反顾。它对生死是置之度外的。Jeet Kune Do teaches us not to look backward once the course is decided upon. It treats life and death indifferently.

布希总统还感谢了军人,他说,军人们为了保卫国家的安全而将个人的安危置之度外。Mr. Bush thanked members of the U.S. military who he says have set aside their own comfort and safety to defend the nation.

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中国作为一个发展中的社会主义国家,面对汹涌澎湃的人口城市化浪潮没有理由,也不可能置之度外。China, as a developing socialist country, has no reason and possibility to exclude itself from the tremendous trend of population urbanization.

他早已将个人生死置之度外,纵然是万丈深渊,也百折不回,宁愿马革裹尸。He has long been indifferent to personal life and death, even though the abyss, but also tough and focused, preferring to die on the battlefield.

勇敢,把生死置之度外,过于敏感而犹豫,思虑太多而拖延,致力于下决心而失掉行动的力量。Hamlet is brave and careless of death, but he vacillates from sensibility , and procrastinates from thought, and loses the power of action in the energy of resolve.