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我想他胸口除过毛。I think his chest is waxed.

他胳膊抽搐,胸口绞痛不已。His arm throbs. His chest hurts.

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那个胸口带上挂个表链的家伙是谁?Who's the guy with the Albert chain?

然后向Tweener胸口击了一拳。Then he punches Tweener in the chest.

夜风萧萧,我偎在你的胸口睡觉。The Xiao Xiao, I rested on your chest.

幻觉的痉挛在胸口振颤。Visionary tics shivering in the chest.

她把头伏在他的胸口上。She let her head fall against his chest.

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那一夜,我哭了很久,哭到胸口发痛。That night, I cried until my chest ached.

哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!Even with bloody bayonet piercing my heart

她拿起他的一只手,把它放在胸口。She took his hand and laid it on her heart.

近来我的胸口一贯发痛。I've been having pains in my chest recently.

剧终。故事真好听。再帮我擦擦胸口吧。The end. That was great. Rub my chest again.

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胸口到眉头,缓缓升腾间And which, when rising up from breast to brow

阿根廷男人拍拍裤子、胸口和屁股口袋。He pats his trousers, chest and back pockets.

他的胸口火喘,但他在拉近与他的距离。His chest burned, but he was closing the gap.

他似乎听到她胸口的呼吸在凝滞。He heard the hitch of her breath in her chest.

最近我一直胸口痛。I hace been having pains in my chest recently.

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下午三点之前你不能露胸口。You can't show your bosom before three o'clock.

音节在你的胸口澎湃。Feel it in your chest, the syllables get pumpin.

难道左轮手枪不应该同样从他的胸口弹开吗?Shouldn’t the revolver bounce off his chest too?