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他说,“这算是哪门子的投资啊!Is this an investment?

不晓得我撞了哪门子邪。I don't know what hit me.

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这是哪门子的玩笑?What kind of joke is this?

这算哪门子英雄?What kind of hero does that?

答案是,他们操的哪门子练The answer is they damn near didn't.

这算是哪门子的足球盛事?What kind of football venue was this?

你算是哪门子的乡巴佬嘛?what kind of hillbilly are you,really?

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错在教练——他是哪门子的攻略!The fault is my coaches—what a terrible plan.

这算是哪门子问题!?显然是米兰嘛。What kind of question is that? Milan will obviously.

鬼鬼祟祟的去东海这又算是哪门子天定命运?Which part of Manifest Destiny does sneaking under EastChina Sea belong?

还有,现在对中国产品还没有征进口税吗?这是哪门子的竞争?And still no import tax on chinese goods ? what kind of competition is that ?

如果只有船体预先存在,其他一切都是后来添加的,这算哪门子的二手?How is it second hand if only the hull pre-existed and everything else was added later?

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当我真喝趴下的时候,他哈哈大笑,一种轻视的笑,还惊讶地大声说我这算是哪门子美国人。He laughed when I did a disparaging laugh wondering aloud at what kind of American I was.

问一下跟我解释下托盘餐具放在沙发上这算哪门子组织系统。Excuse me. Explain to me an organization system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid.

中国政府都不在意人民的生活和人权,你操哪门子的心?The Chinese government don't care about the people's lives or human rights, why should you care?

让一个刚打完预防针的儿童一转身又去喝遭到严重污染的水,这算是哪门子的卫生改善项目?Vaccinating a child who then goes to drink feces-polluted river water is hardly healthy in any respect.

相比之下,把玩闹不已的小孩死命推送进学校,或者眼看迟到了,你飞奔向公司,全然不顾身上那件自己最心爱的毛衣蘸满了口水,又算哪门子浪漫呢?Shuttling cranky kids to school or dashing to work with spit-up on your favorite sweater doesn't skew as romantic.

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每次我去艺术博物馆,总有至少一件陈列会让我思考,“这算是哪门子的艺术?”Every time I’ve gone to an art museum, there’ s always at least one piece that makes me go, “How the heck is THAT art?”

球员们一个月接一个月不停的踢球一点不消停,然后又三个多月没有比赛,我擦这是哪门子的事啊?!The insistence everyone plays all of their football month after month without a break and then spend over three months without a game I don't understand any more.

为冲突的一方提供发动战争的能力,以反对冲突的另一方,从而不可避免的引发一场把整个利比亚都变成坟墓的内战,这是哪门子的人道主义?What is humanitarian about providing to one side ofa conflict the ability to wage war against the other side of a conflict, whichwill inevitably trigger a civil war turning Libya into a graveyard?