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牧民可能想要电篱笆以围住放牧区。I can take up to four people in my car.

牧民在草原上策马前进。The herdsmen pranced on the grasslands.

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你看到了吗那边有哈萨克牧民?Do you see the Kazak herdsmen over there?

牧民们满怀希望地出发了。The herdsmen started out with high hopes.

土库曼斯坦牧民继续照顾着这个品种。Turkmenian herdsmen keep watch on the breed.

他们说,牧民使资源得到最佳利用。They say pastoralists make the best use of resources.

如此一来,牧民们不可避免地走向灾难。And so the herders moved ineluctably towards disaster.

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牧民们还是接连不断地来找贡觉活佛。Herdsmen come to see Gongjue living Buddha incessantly.

这里有半游牧的牧民,有城市居住者。You have semi-nomadic shepherds. You have city dwellers.

牧民过上了好生活,人人心里乐开了花。Herdsmen live a good life for all music flowered in mind.

大家可以在牧民朋友的家里,尝尝酥油茶,休息一下。We can drink ghee tee at the herds' homes to have a rest.

农民和牧民为争夺土地和水资源而发生冲突。Farmers and herders came into conflict over land and water.

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我们骑在马背上,走四方,给牧民带来快乐。On horseback, we travel around to bring joy to our herders.

见到牧民孩子不要大声斥责,更不能打骂。See nomads children not to bite, more can't beat and scold.

牧民们不会离开,但他们的生活将大为不同。The nomad will not go. But his life will be very different.

牧民的大量涌入使森林遭到严重破坏。The influx of ranchers caused serious damage to the forests.

现在我又回来了,我教牧民们不要把羊毛丢弃掉。I teach the shepherds that they mustn't throw their wool away.

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牧民们支起帐篷,抗议政府。Nomads have pitched their gers nearby to protest the government.

我们活动的第一站是晚上拜访澳门教区青年牧民中心。The first stop of our visit was the Diocesan Youth Pastoral Center.

娘吉加是中国青海藏族人,牧民的孩子。Robert NANGCHUKJA is a Tibetan native of Guinan and son of herdsmen.