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并深信不疑。mythologize it.

他对她深信不疑。He believed in her.

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以下就是我所深信不疑的。So here is what I believe.

在许愿时,必须要深信不疑。Conviction is everything in wishing.

正是因为被法学院开除,我才成为一名更加优秀的法官,对此我深信不疑。Fluking out of law school, I believe, made me a better judge.

信仰如小鸟在黑暗的黎明仍然深信不疑。Faith is the bird that fells the light when the dawn still dark.

而谢丽尔对此也深信不疑,乔是她心目中永远的英雄。And Cheryl have also convinced Joe is a hero in her mind forever.

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胡济祥是第一次和女人发生关系,对小花深信不疑。Hu Jixiang is the first time in a relationship and women, the floret.

我开始动摇,可其他两个人却深信不疑。I began to get cold feet, but the other two guys were totally positive.

他明白不靠这些他无法获胜,对此我深信不疑。He knew that without this he cannot win, about that I have no doubt in my mind.

对于她们的妩媚动人,他无需进行第二次访问,便深信不疑。Of their personal charms he had not required a second interview to be convinced.

精疲力竭的男子和深信不疑的家伙将一把刀子刺向生锈的外壳。The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust.

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一个行骗高手在通常情况下,会对自己所说的谎言深信不疑。You're a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling.

这里,小编列出了5条一直为大家深信不疑的饮酒小常识,其实它们都是不正确的喔!Here are 5 things you've heard about alcohol and drinking that aren't actually true.

现在我对它们的真实性深信不疑,同时感到沮丧和深为震惊。I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them.

我们不应该对此不以为然,但也并不是说我们就应该对之深信不疑We shouldn't be dismissive, but that's not to say that I think we should be convinced.

但他对“量化宽松”,或曰“QE”——即用印来的钱买债券——的效力深信不疑。He believed in the potency of "quantitative easing, " or QE—printing money to buy bonds.

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现在看来,这个观点完全错误,但这却是个美妙的短语,皮亚杰对此深信不疑Now, it's entirely not true, but it's a beautiful phrase and Piaget was committed to this.

那些对广告歌曲销售力深信不疑的广告主可从来没有亲身卖过任何东西。The advertisers who believe in the selling power of jingles have never had to sell anything.

但是,上面提到的两位都是班里的佼佼者,他们对这种方法深信不疑。Granted, both of these men were star students in the class and they believe in the methodology.