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他是个爱长篇大论的演讲者。He's a long -winded speaker.

他开始长篇大论地进行抨击。He launched into a long diatribe.

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我认为现在许多作家都爱写长篇大论。I think many writers now overwrite.

语录体的力量超过长篇大论。Sayings of the power over long-winded.

这是一场刻薄的长篇大论,并且变得异常丑陋。This is a vitriolic tirade, and it gets ugly.

布勒尼先生长篇大论地讲起他的另一故事。Mr. Blearney launched into another of his stories.

看起来,奥巴马的讲话似乎过于长篇大论了些。On the page, Mr Obama's speeches can seem long-winded.

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演讲不要长篇大论。简单扼要即可。Don't make a long speech. Just keep it short and sweet.

许多长篇大论的文章,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的。Long essays, nay, whole books have been written on this.

埃米尔长篇大论地骂完之后,回到克斯特亚身边。After Emil finished his tirade, he stalked back to Kostya.

比较烦那些所谓的领导讲话,长篇大论几乎每个人都超时。I hate to hear the so-called leader's long boring speeches.

絮絮叨叨的长篇大论是演讲的死穴。Long-winded descriptions are the death of many good speeches.

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他的一个手势所造成的影响,远胜于别人的长篇大论。They perform more by a gesture than others by a long harangue.

我们务必走听相关我们缺点的长篇大论。We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

我们必须去听一有关我们缺点的长篇大论。We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

事实上,我对你的长篇大论感到厌烦。Actually, I'm getting a little tired of your egotistical tirades.

这个问题抛给陈坤,引出了他的长篇大论。Chen Kun decided just to throw this issue, led to his long-winded.

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我很清楚马上有一个关于责任心的长篇大论会跳出来。I know another lecture on the big R, responsibility, is coming up.

那些带有进攻性的长篇大论的人——种族主义者,厌恶女人的人,猥亵的人——则是例外。Offensive rants—racist, misogynist, or obscene — are an exception.

最后,她以这样一句话结束了她的长篇大论——“唉,我只希望有人愿意跟你上床。”She ended her tirade with, "I just want you to get laid someday." FML