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如果是那样的话,你应该置身事外。And in that case you should butt out.

然而这个小男孩并没有轻易地置身事外。Yet the boy won’t be sidelined so easily.

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或者她可能没想过请求帮助,如果是那样的话,你更应该置身事外了。Or, maybe she does not want to ask for help.

美国“将永远不会在以色列的问题上置身事外”。The US "will never distance itself from Israel".

如果你能置身事外,你就能冷静地思考这件事。You could think of it cool if you can stand back.

为什么最低的工资要让置身事外的政府来决定?Why should the minimum payment be decided exogenously by the government?

旁观者一定清楚吗?旁观者也不过是置身事外的主观者罢了。Does the onlookers see the most? He himself is just a outlying subjectivist.

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而由于印度方面无意于此,这也意味着美国将置身事外。And since India has no intention of doing so, that means America will stay away.

但在某种程度上,他们置身事外的行为反而会失去更多支持。But to the extent they disengage from the issue, they may lose even more ground.

一旦你睁开双眼目睹现实中的世界,你就在也不可能轻松地闭上眼睛置身事外。Once you open your eyes and see reality, you can’t close them again that easily.

面对威胁和挑战,任何国家都难以独善其身或置身事外。In face of such threats and challenges, no country can manage alone or stand aloof.

首席执行长到文秘,在如此惨淡的一年,华尔街无人能够置身事外。From CEOs to secretaries, Wall Street's miserable year is about to hit where it hurts.

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如今我已不再置身事外,一切色彩皆已入声音与气味。且如曲调般绝美地鸣响。我何需书本呢?风翻彩叶。I no longer have to do without now, all colors are translated into sounds and smells. and.

现在,考验有缠上了孩子们。他们应该继续前进,还是应该置身事外,或者享受这片人间天堂呢?Now the kids were stuck in an ordeal. Should they go in, or stay out and enjoy the jungle?

如今塔胡尼已经60岁了,他坐在电视机前收看相关报道,一刻也不肯离身,直到意识到自己无法再置身事外。Tarhouni, now 60, sat glued to the television until he could no longer stand staying away.

我们都不会置身事外,这可能发生在自己的母亲或自己的祖母身上,我们都这么设想。We all take it personal. We all visualize this could have been my mother or my grandmother.

当贸易联盟入侵纳布时,纳斯头领决定置身事外。When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Boss Nass chose to remain uninvolved in the conflict.

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不要置身事外,白白浪费了这个机会,即便只是小小程度的参与便可。Don't let this magical moment pass without getting involved, if only on a small level if necessary.

我本来可以置身事外,不参加本次校际比赛,轻轻松松地过日子。I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering for the university level contest.

在当今高速运作的市场环境中,完全可以置身事外的你又是如何看待职业道德的呢?In today's fast and slick business environment, how relevant is ethics when you can take the easy way out?