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这真是前所未闻的忠忱献身!Unheard-of devotion!

这在美国科学史上绝对是前所未闻的。That is absolutely unprecedented in American science.

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另外它总是准时,这是几乎前所未闻的。And it came in on time, which is pretty much unheard of.

“这样的古怪骗局实在是前所未闻,”朱说。"It was the most bizarre hoax we've ever had, " Chu said.

我们正以前所未闻的速度发展生产。We are developing our production at a speed unheard-of before.

一个曾经前所未闻的事件,现在却已成为一个普遍的现象。Once an unheard-of event, it has now become a common occurrence.

我想象到一些不同寻常的私情和前所未闻的醇酒和情欲。I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions.

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他在规定的时间和预算内完成了人口普查,这是一个前所未闻的成就。He has brought the Census in on time and under budget, an unheard of accomplishment.

这位新女神在几年前是前所未闻的,没有任何皮瑞尼时代神话的背景。The new goddess was unheard-of a few years ago and has no basis in any Puranic myth.

他生业生涯7次夺得得分王和前所未闻的11次篮板王。He won seven scoring titles and an unheard-of eleven rebounding titles in his career.

在抗日战争时期,土地集中达到了近代中国前所未闻的程度。During the Japanase war, land became concentrated to an unheard of degree in modern China.

因此,在科学社团以外,“纪武层的爆发”是前所未闻的。Thus, the “Cambrian Explosion” is a fairly unheard-of term outside the scientific community.

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不过,老天爷呀,我今天算是了解到了查尔斯公爵一生前所未闻的情况。But, Pasques dieu, my friend, I have this day learned more of Duke Charles than I before knew.

细节颜色和求实史蒂夫?汉克斯的画是前所未闻的在这艰难的媒介。The detail color and realism of Steve Hanks' paintings are unheard of in this difficult medium.

这是些不仅初学者们前所未闻,就是地质学家通常也很少涉猎的领域。Tese areas were not normally frequented by geologists and were unheard of at the freshman level.

人们可以躺在等待一些高岩,并在迄今为止前所未闻的范围远远低于创下骑手。One could lie in wait on some high crag, and at hitherto unheard-of range hit a horseman far below.

干旱的频度广度以及其造成的损失,也是自1886年以来前所未闻的。The frequency and scope of and loss from the droughts have been unprecedented since 1886, he added.

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六月里她就跟芝加哥的汤姆。布坎农结了婚,婚礼之隆重豪华是路易斯维尔前所未闻的。In June she married Tom Buchanan of Chicago, with more pomp and circumstance than Louisville ever knew before.

但对扑热息痛过敏应实际上是前所未闻,除了偶见章无充分证据的报导。Anaphylaxis to Paracetamol is virtually unheard of, despite the occasional unsubstantiated reports in the past.

价格控制前所未闻,而国家仅对几个老旧失修的核电站有产权。Price controls are unheard of and state ownership is confined to a couple of old, rickety nuclear-power plants.