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让汽车排挡置于空挡位置。Leave a car in neutral gear.

让车手选择空挡和倒车档。Allows the driver to select neutral and reverse gear.

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在你的车和下一辆车之间留出足够的安全空挡。Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next.

格雷厄姆把货车挂到空挡,自己跳到马路上。Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road.

就在他松开拉链的空挡,一个伦敦的警官出现了。Just as he was unzipping, a London police officer showed up.

在发动汽车前,你一定要确保汽车的变速杆处于空挡位。Be sure your lever is in neutral before you start up your car.

倒车报警器,空挡启动开关,手动驻车制动。SECURITY. Reverse alarm neutral start switch handlever parking brake.

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终于隔壁车道上出现了一个空挡,司机踩下了油门。At last a gap in the next lane opens. The driver stamps on the accelerator.

天气很冷的时候要开车前是要把车子挂空挡的吗?Q. I should still idle my car in really cold weather before driving, right?

每当他们耸着肩,在空挡的变速箱旁等待一小时又一小时,他们都觉得用世界上最繁忙的道路来形容这条路十分贴切。Many of them think this is well on its way to being the world's busiest road.

另外,自动挡车子空挡滑行,还会对车子造成损害。In addition, automatic-shift cars slide neutral, will cause damage to the car.

他要格里菲斯挂空挡。But he tried to appear calm as he instructed Griffith to put the car in neutral.

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如果前面的交通灯是红的,就会告诉司机一个最佳车速以避免停车和挂空挡。If the light ahead is red, the driver is told the optimal speed to avoid stopping and idling.

事实上再清楚不过的事情就是,他永远也找不到一个理想的时间空挡去升级电脑系统。It was clear to him that there would never be an ideal time to shut down the system for a bit.

所以带球跑是非常非常困难的,因为中间有太多的空挡和反击。so it's much, much harder to run the ball because there're so much more chance and opposition.

努力而且有效,前乌迪内球员制造了很多空挡而且对尤文很重要。Hard-working and useful, the former Udinese created plenty of openings and was important for Juventus.

安排一张新的时间表,在那段时间空挡散散步、约约会或者到沙盒旅行。Arrange a new schedule around that time slot like a walk outside, a play date or a trip to the sandbox.

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他们制作出广告的样板,并把留出信息,颜色,图片的空挡以供选项。It creates a template for ads, including slots for the message, the color, the image and other elements.

维埃拉的离去,将会使我们的中路留出空挡,不过我们应该可以适应没有维队的日子。His sale will leave a huge void in the middle of our side, but we can adapt to a life without his leadership.

事实上,有时候,对方的小前锋意识到包夹的时候会跑到了弧顶,然后形成空挡投篮的机会。In fact, sometimes, their SFs swing to the top of the key as they recognize the double team and get open shots.