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她因悲伤而茫然失措。She was numb with grief.

还会在遇到困难的时候茫然失措吗?Still lost in times of trouble?

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那孩子吓得茫然失措。The child was out of his wits with fright.

此时此刻,人们正张惶失措。People very much offending from themselves at the moment.

换言之,你已经被弄得茫然失措,不知从哪里着手开始整理。Or you're so overwhelmed that you don't know where to start.

我们的祖先肯定会被现代的许多财务选择搞得茫然失措。Our ancestors are sure to be puzzled by modern financial choice.

几步之遥,几名巴西球员躺在草地上,精疲力竭,张徨失措。A few yards away, several Brazilian players lay on the turf, bewildered and beaten.

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佳期发现金链不翼而飞,徬徨失措,一元再次把金链还给她。Ritual found gold chain missing, undecided, one yuan to return the gold chain to her again.

渐渐地由于面对新事物的经验丰富,再面临新的挑战时就不会仓惶失措了。By constantly obtaining new experiences, the fear of new challenges will gradually lessen for your child.

但女人们惊谎失措,并在审判席前大声痛哭,邪恶的判决,不虔诚的判决But the women were panic stricken and cried out before the judgment seat, "An evil judgment! A godless judgment!"

鬣毛直竖的野兽,在某种超自然力逼近时,感到惊愕失措。Nature, bristling and wild, takes alarm at certain approaches in which she fancies that she feels the supernatural.

他的坚定和坚持令中共犯罪集团惊恐失措,两年时间里关押他三次,其中第一次绝食40天,第二次绝食59天。In two years, Guo was detained three times, during which he had his first hunger strike for 40 days and second for 59 days.

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在迷宫里不停的来回张望,思索,认账,犹如人生十字路口的彷徨失措。Stopping to look around, ponder and verify within the maze is akin to the helplessness one feels at the crossroads of life.

七府子弟和随行人马,顿受惊挫,仓慌失措向西鼠审,躲藏于“多马巷”。House and his seven children of people, frightened Dayton down, warehouse-trial fear-stricken west mice, hiding in "Ma Xiang."

与邻人友好相处的设法是否过时了?1965年,纽约城停电,使得成千上万的人惊悸失措。Is the idea of being neighborly old-fashioned?In 1965, a power failure hit New York City, and many thousands of people were left stranded.

虽然从未抱怨,但我永远忘不了第一次的茫然失措和看错人的无可奈何。He added that it is a course that would discourage us time after time, but we should never give in to the difficulties in front of us, just hold on.

在现代工业社会的重压下,许多人不堪重负,茫然失措,只得凭借幻想来获得心灵慰藉。Under the pressure of modern industrial society, many people are at a loss to know what should do and can do nothing but create a fantasy to solace themselves.

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当然不久警察和火警就来了,而我失措的跟着大叫着着火的人们一起仓皇而逃。I was almost escaping along with the people cried out that there was a huge fire, and literally seconds later there were police and firefight sirens everywhere.

她帮助收拾行李,把丝衣裳塞在帽匣里,把缎鞋放在化妆匣里,搞得侍女绝望地手足失措。She assisted in the packing of her portmanteaus , and hopelessly bewildered her maid by stuffing silk dresses into her bonnet boxes, and satin shoes into her dressing-case.

柯林斯先生预先仔仔细细地一样样告诉他们,到那边往将要看到什么东西,免得他们看到了那样宏伟的屋子,那样众多的仆从,那样丰盛的菜肴,会造成临时慌乱,手足失措。Mr. Collins was carefully instructing them in what they were to expect, that the sight of such rooms, so many servants, and so splendid a dinner might not wholly overpower them.