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这是我的地盘。This is my thing.

你在我的地盘呢,记得吗?You're on my rez, remember?

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金刚!猩猩和他的地盘。King Kong! orang and his land.

哦,他总说那是他的地盘。Well, he said it was his place.

我告诉过你,这是我们的地盘。I told you, these were some of ours.

公鸡都在它自己的地盘上啼叫。Every cock crows on his own dunghill.

在塔西的地盘,在那儿我会很“安全”。Tessio's ground, where I'll be "safe".

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公鸡都在它自己的地盘上逞英雄。Every cock is bold on his own dunghill.

这块地盘已经交给我了,你也同意了。Commission gave it to me, and you approved.

如果真是如此,你又有能力把守自己的地盘吗?If so, will you be able to hold your ground?

男的们女的们首先欢迎大家来到敝人的“地盘”做客。First of all, welcome to my room for a guest.

居然以为他们可以在我自己的地盘上吓唬我。Think they can intimidate me in my own place.

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塞翁养的马跑进了北边民族的地盘。His horse went into the land of northern people.

这只熊甚至在汽车供销商的地盘行走。The bear even made its way to a car dealer's lot.

关于我们,联系我们,如何地盘工程款。About us, contact us, How the site works sections.

基地组织高层人物藏匿在他的地盘。Senior al-Qaida figures are sheltering on his turf.

你要表现得好像那里就是你自己的地盘,You're going to want to act like you own the place,

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传说蚩尤部落为了扩大自己的地盘,同炎帝部落发生了战争。Legend has it that the Jiuli attacked Yandi's tribe.

老大只有纽约邮报一块小地盘。Lachlan had little turf to call his own but the Post.

头发一卷卷地盘在头顶。My hair was in ringlets piled at the crown of my head.