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我不知道还有什么比这个消息更能令人摇头叹息了。If that doesn’t have your head shaking, I don’t know what will.

跟这些人谈话真是索然无味,因此才摇头叹息。Talking with them are tedious so I can't help shaking head and sighing.

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如果你不喜欢企鹅队,你有可能会摇头叹息。If you don't like the Penguins, you might be shaking your head in dismay.

我把说话的钥匙弄丢了!锁匠摇头叹息说没办法。I lost my key to speaking. The locksmith, shaking his head, sighed no way.

到了第二天,自前厅见客回来,还是一样的摇头叹息。Next day, when returning from the living room, he shook head and signed again.

我知道,思科·史密斯,当你看到这封信时,一定在摇头叹息,但是同时你也会微笑,这就是我爱你的原因。I know, Sixsmith, you groan and shake your head, but you smile too, which is why I love you.

我把说话的钥匙弄丢了!锁匠摇头叹息说没办法。I lost the key of speech! An ironsmith shaked his head and sighed to me that there is no way.

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邵正百口莫辩,唯有摇头叹息,在旁的绣云看在眼里,也感无奈。ShaoZheng moments, only shake head to sigh, alongside the embroider clouds to see in the eye, and also feeling helpless.

邻居们听说大许是如何死的后,都摇头叹息道,“大许对杀生不以为然。When the neighbors heard how Big Xu had died, they shook their heads and sighed, saying, "Big Xu didn't think a thing about killing an animal.

一个地位已经无可置疑的领先者正在将大部分服务转为免费的行业,我们对此自然是不能不摇头叹息的。The already apodeictic person that precede is in a position to turn major service for free trade, we are to have to shake our head to this nature of groan.

和一些即将退休的中学华文老师谈起华文的前途时,大多数人都摇头叹息。Most secondary school Chinese-language teachers who are about to retire will shake their heads and sigh when asked about the future of the Chinese language.

邵扬摇头叹息,一时口快,忍不住说也许二毛的父亲是陈近南,二毛遗传了英雄的血脉,才会与别不同。ShaoYang shake head to sigh, at that time the KouKuai, unbearable say maybe two hairs father is ChenJinNa, at the blood of genetic hero, will and dont different.