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雨势已减弱。The rain has eased off.

恐惧减弱行动。Fear debilitates action.

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暴风雨渐渐减弱了。The storm has soaped out.

雨势永不会减弱吗?Will the rain never let up ?

狂怒的风暴减弱了。The fury of the storm subsided.

台风的势头已经减弱了。The typhoon had spent its fury.

现在风势已经减弱。The wind has slackened off now.

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我们不能让这种势头减弱。We cannot let this momentum wane.

我们等待风势减弱。We waited for the wind to godown.

我们等待风势减弱。We waited for the wind to go down.

没人希望减弱这一势头。No one wants this momentum to slow.

火势减弱只剩下一点点火星。The fire has burned down to a spark.

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乡间别墅势头减弱了吗?Is the country house momentum slowing?

含有酒精的饮料会减弱对疾病的抵抗力。Alcohol lessens resistance to diseases.

渐弱力量或音量的逐渐减弱。A gradual decrease in force or loudness.

如果风力减弱,我们就出去。If the wind keeps down, we shall go out.

吉姆那边的指示灯逐渐减弱成暗绿色的光亮。Jim's light dimmed to a dull green glow.

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现在该国的宗教影响力减弱了吗?。Is the country more secularized nowadays?

但随着年龄的增长,学习能力逐渐减弱But then it starts getting worse and worse.

电工将剧场中观众席上的灯光减弱了一点。The electrician took the houselights down.