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他榨取他的佃户。He racked his tenants.

因此,除了她丈夫之外,送殡的全是佃户和仆人,伊莎贝拉没有得到邀请。Isabella was not asked.

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他召集佃户们来到他跟前。He summoned his tenants to appear before him.

俄国把农民变成了国家的佃户。Russia made the peasant the tenant of the state.

但是公司对其佃户和工人可以作威作福,苛刻异常。But the company can be a harsh overlord to its crofters.

刚才他们告诉我,第一批的佃户们明天就得搬走。Now they tell me that first of the tenants are to flit tomorrow.

新的政府从地主手中取得了田土,并把它们分给佃户。The new rulers took farms from the landlords and gave them to the tenants.

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他的手下管理领地并向佃户收租。His officials administered the domains and collected the rent from the colons.

效忠同样也是对领主和佃户之间租赁契约的确认。Homage wasaccordinglythe acknowledgment ofthebond tenure between lord and tenant.

作为原英军士兵的博伊考特,拒绝收取低地租并且驱逐佃户。Boycott, a former British soldier, refused to charge lower rents and ejected his tenants.

也就是说,佃户在稻田里干了一年,到头来自己却得不到一粒米。In other words he might work all year in his paddy fields and yet not have one grain of rice for himself.

地主与农民,特别是与长工、佃户之间的阶级对立,成为旧中国社会的基本矛盾之一。It was one of the based contradictions in old China that tenants between landlords have class antagonism.

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这些地主老爷在私生活中向佃户滥施淫威,有时也很惊人。The powers these landed nobles wielded over their tenants even in their personal affairs was sometimes amazing.

佃户不但要把收成的百分之五十向地主交租,而且自己的个人问题和家庭问题也要由地主决定。Not only had the tenant to bring 50 per cent of his crops to the manor, but also his personal and family problems.

这种土围子是佃户集市贸易的场所,他们完全受地主及其狗腿子的摆布。Such castles acted as a trading center for tenants who were completely at the mercy of the landlord or his bailiffs.

在藏族部落牲畜的租佃关系中,佃户完全处于不利的地位。Therefore, the tenancy relationships of livestock existed in Tibetan tribes, and renters were at a big disadvantage.

但是这个比喻,如佃户的比喻一样,似乎含有多个要旨。This parable, like the Parable of the Tenants, is more involved and seems to include more than one point of comparison.

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在周玉川和另一个工作组员合住的窑洞隔壁,住着佃户马臭子一家。At this time, Chou and another cadre were living in a cave next door to one occupied by a tenant farmer, named Ma Chiu-tze.

马臭子讲到他们家自清朝以来祖祖辈辈都是贫苦的佃户,全靠租种地主的土地过日子,自家不曾有过一分地。Ever since the Ching dynasty, Ma revealed, his family had been poor tenants, renting land and never having any of their own.

许多农民因此身负重债而被迫成为了地主阶层的长工或佃户。Many peasants fell into debt and were forced to become either hired laborers or rent-paying tenants of the land-owning classes.