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我是不会接收钱的。I do not accept money.

接收那条消息。It receives that message.

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发送请求和接收响应。Send request and receive response.

学校接收任何年龄的学生。Schools accept students of any age.

接收master发送过来的子数组receives the subarray from the MASTER

同时,拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚也不满这一举动,这两个国家在苏联时期接收了大量的苏联移民,因此不愿采取剧烈的变革。It also displeased Estonia and Latvia.

这位瞅客不甘心地接收了他的丧失。Reluctantly the man accepted his loss.

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透过电子邮件方式接收贵会会讯。I want to receive newsletters via email.

现在,我们尝试从队列接收消息。Now, receive the message from the queue.

否则将无法接收消息。Otherwise, they cannot receive messages.

于是,作为一个玩笑,他们同意接收她。So, as a joke, they voted to accept her.

这种闪烁由光电管所接收。This flicker is detected on a photocell.

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如果我们常藉著圣经来接收讯息,如何?What if we used it to receive messages ?

仅针对管理员自动接收UAC提示Disable UAC Prompts for Administrators Only

事件——用于发送和接收事件。Events -- for sending and receiving events.

接收信息,关注信息本身是不够的。Information in and of itself is not enough.

接收天线为四元阵。The receiving antenna is a 4-element array.

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他接收了来自产羔草场的母羊。He received the ewes from the lambing field.

再者,我们接收到的信息并不叫是正确的。Furthermore, our data is not always reliable.

进程是否尝试接收数据。If the process is attempting to receive data.