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我的牙医就是这么干的。That's what my dentist did.

牙医填补龋齿。A dentist fills decayed teeth.

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这名牙医将医治我的牙齿。The dentist will treat my tooth.

就连想到牙医我都不寒而栗。Even thinking of it makes me shake.

她和牙医师的约定告吹了。Her dentist appointment fell through.

今天我去看牙医。Today, I went to see my orthodontist.

你能帮我找个好的牙医吗?Could you put me on to a good dentist?

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每年至少见一次你的牙医。See your dentist at least once a year.

我们可以堪称牙医的候诊室。We call it the dentist's waiting room.

你去看牙医,他捅你。You go to the dentist and he pokes you.

去看牙医真的让我很焦虑!Going to the dentist really unnerves me.

我礼拜四有牙医的预约。I have a dental appointment on Thursday.

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牙医刷洗我的牙齿。The dentist brushes and cleans my teeth.

这一次,他不再需要牙医投资。This time, he wouldn’t need any dentists.

我知道。现在牙医师会生我的气的。I know. Now the dentist will be mad at me.

我是个危险人物,我是牙医,是口腔保健师。I'm a menace , a dentist, an oral hygienist.

当他去看牙医时会发生什麽糗事?What will happen when he visits the dentist?

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如果你在使用这种药,去联系你的牙医吧。Tell your dentist if you take bisphosphonates.

这意味着有更多的钱要抛给牙医。That could mean spending money at the dentist.

对牙医学来说,你没有太多时间去观察。In dentistry, you don’t have much time to look.