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意思不言而喻Pretty self-explanatory so far.

结果不言而喻。And the results are pretty obvious.

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超过一跳起摆动是不言而喻的。More than a twirling wobble is implied.

这里已经不再具有不言而喻的现代性。Modernity is no longer self-evidently here.

不言而喻,托尼也是他的托管人。It is understood that Tony is his co-trustee.

是的,所有的那一切都不言而喻,但也不完全属实。And while all that is true, it’s also not true.

董建华现时的民望可谓不言而喻。Tung's current popularity very much speaks for itself.

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确定任何的表格或图表的含义都能不言而喻。Be certain that any table or graph is self-explanatory.

关于壁画方面,上边图片不言而喻。Concerning murals, the picture above speaks for itself.

在经营促销上的优势不言而喻。Promote the advantages of operating on the self-evident.

职场中,沟通的重要性不言而喻的。Workplace, the importance of communication self-evident.

品牌对于餐饮企业而言,重要性不言而喻。Brand for catering enterprises speaking, is very important.

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无论它是怎样不言而喻,它很少时候是简单的。And it is rarely easy, despite how self-evident it should be.

无论是和皮革还是西服或是便装和牛仔,当围巾滑过衣间,美感不言而喻。Skip the parka and pair it with a suit or a sport coat and jeans.

由此可知,创意广告的重要性就不言而喻了。Predictably, the importance of creative advertising is self-evident.

因此,富民时装网,以促进作用是不言而喻的。Therefore, Fumin Fashion Network to promote the effect is self-evident.

在我们这个时代,特定的经济真相作为不言而喻的事实被接受。In our day certain economic truths have become accepted as self-evidence.

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伦伦忒看到母亲摆脱黑暗,喜悦不言而喻。This is Lwin Lwin Htay, clearly joyous over her mother's recovered sight.

因此“国家重建”的德行和价值在人们看来是不言而喻的。thus “nation building” is taken to be self-evidently virtuous and worthy.

笔者此刻正予梳理之紊思困惑,不言而喻,亦困扰着诸法律概念。The confusion with which I am dealing besets confessedly legal conceptions.