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乌龙茶还是茉莉花茶?Oolong tea or jasmine tea?

乌龙茶是半发酵茶。Wulong tea is semi-fermented.

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是的,它属于乌龙茶类。Yes, it belongs to oolong genera.

同样,不要忘了红茶和乌龙茶哦!Don't forget black and oolong teas, too!

半发酵的是乌龙茶。Half fermented tea is called Wulong tea.

真的?那很好!你要不要来一杯乌龙茶?Did it? Good! Would you like a cup of oolong?

绿茶、红茶和乌龙茶都含茶氨酸。Theanine is found in green, black and oolong teas.

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除茉莉花茶外,你喜欢红茶还是乌龙茶?Besides jasmine , do you prefer black tea of oolong ?

城里每张茶单上都列有高山乌龙茶。High mountain oolong tea is on every tea menu in town.

好,除了茉莉花茶,你喜欢红茶或乌龙茶吗?Well, besides jasmine, do you like black tea or Oolong?

乌龙茶能抑制牙菌斑及帮助预防蛀牙。Oolong suppresses dental plaque and helps prevent cavities.

乌龙茶、绿茶、碧螺春、龙井、铁观音的英文怎么说?Oolong tea. Green tea. Biluochun. Longjing tea. Oolong tea.

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通常按照制作方法分为四种茶,.即绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶和花茶.They are green tea, black tea ,oolong tea ,and scented tea.

您要伯爵茶、大吉岭红茶、乌龙茶或绿茶?Would you like Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Oolong, or green tea?

乌龙茶、红茶、茉莉花茶则室温保存即可。Oolong, black tea and jasmine tea can be kept at room temperature.

好吧。我想你最好买些乌龙茶。这种茶很好的。All right. I think you'd better buy some Wu-long tea. It's very nice.

种类有乌龙茶、绿茶、玄米茶、杜仲茶等。Species are oolong tea, green tea, brown rice tea, Eucommia and so on.

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该小组研究了在红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶和香红茶中发现的一种化学物质。The team studied a chemical found in black, green, oolong and pekoe tea.

主要生产有机绿茶、乌龙茶和方便型高山茶杯。And there are mainly organic green tea, Olong tea and Convenience Teacup.

将白饭盛人碗内,冲入乌龙茶,伴匀即可食用。Put the rice in the bowl, pour the hot Oolong tea, mix together and serve.