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像洗衣机,它们太耗水了。They use too much water.

打开洗衣机。Turn on the washing-machine.

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洗衣机坏了。The washing-machine is broken.

洗衣机需要加点油。The washing machine needs oiling.

洗衣机又出毛病了。The washing machine has gone phut.

“我是在用洗衣机,”伦纳德说。“I use the washer, ” Leonard said.

把旧洗衣机修一下。Have the old washing machine fixed.

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我想投诉这台洗衣机的事。I wish to complain about the machine.

滚筒式双层玻璃洗衣机。Double glazing, turbo washing machine.

我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。I put too much detergent in the washer.

洗衣机里装有发动机。A washing-machine has an electric motor.

这就是他们如何获得这台洗衣机的故事。So this is how they acquired the washer.

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它们销售各种牌号地洗衣机可以。They sell all makes of washing machines.

这台洗衣机是全自动的。This washing-machine is fully automatic.

洗衣机减轻了家务劳动。Washing machines make house-work easier.

要我教你怎么用洗衣机吗?I don't know how to use a washer machine.

洗衣机搅动衣服。The washing machine agitates the clothes.

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这种洗衣机是最新型产品。This washing machine is the latest model.

旧的洗衣机不再使用了。The old washing machine was pensioned off.

现在去修理那台坏了的洗衣机!Now go and fix that broken washing machine!