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看起来村民如同蚂蚁一般渺小。Villagers are ant-like.

或许只是人类最渺小的一个。Minutest of mankind might be.

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大多数美国家庭都是渺小的。Most Amercian families are small.

我们是这个大千世界如此渺小的一员。We are so small the universe of a.

我们都是比灰尘还要渺小的东西。We are filthy rags, lower than dirt.

自然界的神奇衬映出人的渺小。The magic of nature's small lining shone.

那么,再加一个“感人”,甚或是“令人自感渺小”如何?But how about “moving” or even “humbling”?

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人是渺小的,心灵是广阔的。People is chickenshit, heart is capacious.

人是渺小的,心灵是的阔广。People is chickenshit, heart is capacious.

生命,若然蝼蚁渺小。Lives, is extraordinary small just like ants.

在广阔无垠的世界里我是多么渺小啊!And what a tiny spot I was in the enormous world !

你喜欢使人感到渺小,我恨你这样的人。I hate people like you. Wilsons smile grew bigger.

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我们看见了自己渺小又美丽的样子。We see a humbling yet beautiful view of ourselves.

一方的伟大暗示着另一方的渺小。Greatness of one implicates inferiority of another.

生命在历史长河中是如此的渺小。Our life is so chickenshit in the historical river.

我每次看星星必然会想自己是多么渺小。I never look at the stars but I think how little I am.

非常的黑暗,在洞里我安全帽的头灯就像渺小的蜡烛。It is dark and my cap lamp is a tiny candle in a cavern.

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我们的生命是渺小的,不管我们是住在宫殿还是茅舍。Our lives are small, whether we live in palaces or huts.

那份无力和渺小,我的心,一片灰暗。That is incapable and is tiny , my heart , a gloominess.

你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!