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他们必须厉行精简,阿比德先生说。They have to downsize, says Mr Abed.

我们已经进入厉行紧缩的时代。We have entered the Age of Austerity.

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英镑目前的汇率将迫使英国公司厉行精兵简政。The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.

他厉行执法的事实遏阻了那些想要破坏国家名誉的人。He says law enforcement fact turn the tide upon those who seek to asperse the country's good name.

虽然,有时候她会显得“极度过分纵容”,但她在家庭里同样也是个厉行纪律的人。And though at times she does get ‘extremely over-indulgent’, she is also the disciplinarian in the family.

厉行一个交付垄断之前变基,收缩可能肃清交付垄断中所必需的手工并合。In addition, rebasing just before performing a deliver operation reduces or eliminates the need for manual merging during the delivery.

明王朝建立后不久,为巩固其专制统治,厉行海禁,并定为基本国策。Soon after the Ming Dynasty had founded, the rulers of the Dynasty carried out strictly the maritime embargo as national primary policy.

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唐代的法制思想,主要有两大特征,即仁刑恤典和厉行法制。The thought of legal system of Tang Dynasty, there is two big features mainly, benevolent punishment and strictly enforcing legal system.

他以亲身经历证明以往的传教方法在厉行禁教的中国难以实施,而借助施医赠药活动往往可以一举数得。He advocated medical missionary and believed that the traditional way would be in great trouble as the Chinese government prohibited western religion.

因此,面对几乎为零的拦截,她们更容易躲过法定机构对手提包的厉行检查,相比男性更易直击目标敌人。Therefore, they face little interception and more easily escape from the grip of law enforcement agencies than their male counterparts to target their enemies.

本文以在粤活动的天主教为研究对象,探讨在康雍乾朝清廷厉行禁教的七十多年时间里,广东天主教的发展、保存与衰落的过程。The article focuses on the Catholicism in Guangdong and discusses its process of development, preservation and declining during the such period of over seventy years.

庄子一直厉行简单朴素的生活,对物质享受,从不刻意追求。所以给人的印象难免有些邋遢与不修边幅。Chuang Tzu sought to live in a simple and plain life strictly, he pursued after little enjoyment of material. Hence, from his appearance, people thought he was slovenly.

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解决的办法在于取消不利于经济体交易效率提高的政策措施,厉行有利于交易效率提高的制度改革。So the suggestion is to adopt active elimination of its unfavorable administrative policies and related measures, and the enforcement of favorable institutional reforms.

与此相对的,规范用户在目前登录的会话中,穿越供给管用的管教员凭据,也将获得厉行管教级任务的力气。Coupled with that, standard users will now gain the ability to perform administrative tasks within the currently logged in session by providing valid administrator credentials.

即使到现在,奥巴马仍冠冕堂皇地坚持宣称自己”致力于追求贸易扩大化和新的贸易协定“,本周,除了厉行贸易法案外,他也没能做出其他事情为自己的行为辩解。Even now Mr Obama insists he is “committed to pursuing expanded trade and new trade agreements”, and this week he defended his action as nothing more than the enforcement of trade laws.