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然而我们是怎么样取得一个新的魂魄的?But how does one acquire a new soul?

文安的魂魄被挤出身体外,他要张扬把身体还给他,张扬不理会。Wen An wants his body back, but Zhang Yang ignores him.

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我的灵和魂魄,不停守候在妳心门口。My spirit and soul, keep waiting in your heart the door.

突然他看到了自己的魂魄,跟他长得一模一样,他自然感到很惊讶了。It was identical in every detail, and he was naturally astonished.

他使我的魂魄复苏、为本身的名引导我走义路。He restores my soul, for his name's sake lead me on the way of righteousness.

尽量从2001年起,中国不再把异性恋划定为心灵魂魄疾病。Although China removed homosexuisity from its list of mentis illnesses in 2001.

杜丽娘的魂魄回到人间,找到了柳梦梅寄宿之处。Back in the human world, the ghost of Du Liniang visits where Liu Menmei lives.

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八月十五之夜,杨通幽引太上皇魂魄来到月宫,与杨玉环相会。At the night of August 15, Emperor Tang's soul comes to the moon to meet Yang Yuhuan.

峭壁如削猿兴叹,人行栈道魂魄散。Cliff such as cutting apes were left feeling useless, pedestrian road souls scattered.

荣发现一的新任务是勾琼的魂魄,极力阻止下,琼终逃过一劫。Honor the new task is found a GouQiong souls, trying to stop, Joan eventually escaped.

我只听到这一句,心便空在那儿,久久收不回魂魄似的。I only heard this one, the heart will be blank, like a long time soul beyond recovery.

其舞姿剽悍壮烈,声慑魂魄,具有浓重的燕赵古风。His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity.

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它的命就是所有自然生灵精神的元气魂魄。It of the life be all vitalities psyches that the natures living to work properly spirit.

白人死了以后就忘了他们出生的地方,魂魄走到天上的星星之间。The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars.

“张焕”的头被永盛一敲,张扬的魂魄被弹了出来。"Zhang Huan" gets his head knocked by Yong Sheng and Zhang Yang's soul leaves Zhang Huan's body.

她知道刘忠一定十分想见阿秀,便化成阿秀的魂魄来见他。She knew Liu Zhong must be very want to see the show, then turned to the soul of the show to see him.

所谓“拉魂腔”指的是唱的动听,仿佛可以勾人魂魄。In the beginning , Sizhou Drama was called "La Hun Air ", which means the melodiousness of it's singing.

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恋人丑儿的死,终于促使雷默去神山圣水寻觅魂魄可以长生的心灵庄园。Lover ugly son"s death, and finally prompted ramo to mount the kumbha find soul can eternal soul manor."

我们当然举荐自我保护认识的设法,以及自爱,然则不要以牺牲其他魂魄的利益作为价值。We certainly promote the idea of self-preservation, and self-love but not at the expense of other souls.

能够与一位世界级或国家级的文化名人魂魄与共,真是莫大的幸福。Being able to get connected with the heart and soul of a national or global celebrity is great happiness.