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用他们的感觉器官。They use their sense of smell.

眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官。The human eye is the important sense organ.

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一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。CO is not readily perceived by the human senses.

眼、耳、鼻、舌都是人体的感觉器官。The eyes, ears, nose and tongue are sensory organs.

味蕾,消毒感觉器官,位于舌头和上颚,接受四种基本的味道。Taste buds small sensory organ located on the tongue and palate.

双壳贝的头很小,没有特化的感觉器官。The head is small and it does not feature specific sensorial organs.

工蜂的头上有两根满载3000个感觉器官的触须。A worker bee's head has two antennae loaded with 3, 000 sensory organs.

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鲨鱼具有的感觉器官能够发现其它鱼所引起的微弱的电场。Sharks have sensory organs that can detect faint electrical fields from other fish.

首先,一醒来便按摩感觉器官——眼睛、鼻子、嘴唇和耳朵。Begin massaging your sensory organs—your eyes, nose, lips, and ears—as soon as you wake up.

这些人试图用计算机同时完成两项任务,每项任务都被故意设计成需要人运用不同的感觉器官和运动神经作出反应。The task was deliberately designed to enlist the use of different senses and motor responses.

吸血鬼乌贼有8条长臂和一条长长的作为感觉器官的卷须。The vampire squid has 8 long arms, and a long curly strand that serves as a sensory filament.

汉克指出电感觉器官衍生自祖先动物的腮须。Hanke points out that theelectro-sensory organs are derived from whiskers in ancestral animals.

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提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。It can improve the function of inner organs, sense organ and the nerve center of the human body.

净化后的身体,是有可能的净化神经系统,然后感觉器官。After the body is purified, it is possible to purify the nervous system, and then the sense organs.

你完全可以在意识清醒的状态下,接受脑部手术,因为大脑本身并没有任何的感觉器官You could do brain surgery while fully conscious because the brain itself has no sense organs to it.

在这些邻近的区域,戈塔尔人无法使用他们敏锐的感觉器官,而且也不能长时间待在机器人身旁。Gotals cannot use their accurate senses in these environs, and they cannot spend time close to droids.

人眼作为一个普通的感觉器官对不同强度的灰度刺激有着不同的分辨阈限。As a receptor, human eye has different resolution limens to grayscale stimuli with different intensity.

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然而,野生动物也可以预示天气的征兆,因为它们具有高度发达的感觉器官。However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses.

除了能被人类的感觉器官直接感受到的能量外,科学家还发现了一些能量存在的形式。Scientists have discovered forms of energy in addition to those that can be detected by our sense organs.

一种语言的习得是人的备种感觉器官,如听觉、视觉,共同作用的结果。Learning a language is the result of several sense organs, such as senses of hearing and sight, working together.