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伤痛拂去。I forget every pain.

拉科鲁尼亚是一个很大的伤痛。La Coruna was a big hurt.

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那些游走不定的伤痛。Those who wander errant pain.

多少的伤痛、多少的迷离。How much pain, how much blurred.

时间飞逝,伤痛逐渐痊愈。Time went by and so wounds heal.

我们有过坎坷、困境和伤痛。We've had bumps, scrapes and sores.

将旁观者与伤痛区分开。Separate the observer from the pain.

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而且——我想——结束我的伤痛。And -- I guess -- to finish mourning.

整个国家的伤痛终在这一刻愈合。And the wounds of a nation were healed.

但回家的一路上,伤痛依然隐隐发作。But all the way home, the pain ­remained.

这是一次痛苦、自作孽的伤痛。This is a grievous, self-inflicted wound.

杰克在整个赛季一直被伤痛所折磨。Jock had been dogged by injury all season.

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过去得伤痛使我们对别人的伤痛敏感。Pain sensitizes us to the hurts of others.

通过所囿的伤痛与尴尬后。Through all of the pain and embarrassment.

与你作别,不问曾经伤痛几何。And you say goodbye, not once hurt geometry.

那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。The absence of grief and despair, has no voice.

然而,目前印度取得的傲人成就却带给了美国伤痛。But now India's pride has become America's pain.

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每当你感到伤痛时,玉阶兄,要忍住啊!And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain.

然后,这种毁灭性的伤痛影响了我们的生活。And, oh, the havoc this pain wreaks on our lives.

仿佛怎样的伤痛都无法使你那对洁瑜蒙暇。As if you're never hurt. As if you're never down.