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祖籍属于那条村,镇,县,市及省。Home village, town, county, city, and province.

他们祖籍在立陶宛,并于1907至1910年间搬到果园街97号。They moved to 97 Orchard Street between 1907 and 1910.

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年生,蒙古族,祖籍内蒙古土默特左旗。His native place is Tumote Left Banner of Inner Mongolia.

正如你们所知,我的祖籍在广东省的台山市。As you know, my ancestral home is in Taishan in Guangdong province.

她的祖籍是江苏兴化,但是她出生在四川成都。Her ancestral home is Xinghua, but that she was born in Chengdu, Sichuan.

中东和北非地区移民给祖籍国和接收国带来了重大收益。MENA migrants have brought important benefits to home and host countries.

1954年生于上海安亭,祖籍江苏太仓。Was born in Anting, Shanghai in 1954, a native of Taicang, Jiangsu Province.

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赵小兰于1953年出生在台北,祖籍上海嘉定。Zhao Xiaolan was born in 1953 in Taibei, the ancestral home Shanghai Jiading.

这就是肯塔基州大学“祖籍肯塔基”项目背后的想法。That is the idea behind Kentucky Homeplace, run by the University of Kentucky.

当我第一次回到自己的祖籍地,我并不确定怎么解决住房的事。When I first returned to my home state, I wasn't sure what to do about housing.

赵小兰于1953年出生在台北,祖籍上海嘉定。Zhao Xiaolan was born in 1953 in Taibei, the ancestral home is Shanghai Jiading.

1932年出生于山西省临猗县,祖籍山东。Ma Xiguang was born in Linyi, Shanxiin 1932 with his ancestral hometown beingShandong.

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你没听错,爱尔兰裔是美国的第二大祖籍源地。And you heard right, that makes Irish-Americans the second largest ancestral group in the U. S.

祖籍秘鲁胡宁的阿塞尼奥·帕亚诺正在爱达荷Hailey之外的山区放牧羊群。Arsenio Payano, originally from Junín, Peru, herds sheep in the mountains outside Hailey, Idaho.

沙拉拉精力充沛,身高4英尺11英寸,祖籍黎巴嫩,我和希拉里与她在很多年前就相识了。Hillary and I had known Shalala, a four-foot eleven-inch dynamo of Lebanese ancestry, for years.

他们知道李蒙的祖籍也是上海,因而表现出特别的热情。They know that Shanghai is also the ancestral home of Li Meng, which showed particular enthusiasm.

祖籍“的工作人员帮助他谈判外科手术的价格,并说服了一家医院借给他一个免费的病房。”Homeplace workers negotiated the price of the surgery, and persuaded a hospital to lend a free room.

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骆家辉1950年1月21日出生在华盛顿州西雅图,祖籍广东台山。Locke was born in Seattle on Jan. 21, 1950, with the ancestral home at Taishan of Guangdong Province.

当每一个学生坠鞠主席台那些祖籍是这面旗子所代表国家的人们都会欢呼。As each student stepped on the stage individuals cheered for the flag that represented their heritage.

是的,奥巴马祖籍肯尼亚,但是个土生土长的美国人。且你们的总统和你们也极度伤心吧。Yes, Obama is ancestrally Kenyan andnative-born American and your president and you can eat your heart out too.