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单独与房间只为你的五脏六腑。The derrnatopathy with room only for you alone.

温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。Winston's entrails seemed to have turned into ice.

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想知道五脏六腑在一天中的运行规律吗?Would like to know internal organs of the day to run law?

我的五脏六腑爆发为低电压和火焰。My lower insides erupted into electrical voltage and flames.

让他拿把刀,我定要看看他的五脏六腑是什么颜色!Let him take a knife , and I'll see the colour of his inside ! '

在政府给他的五脏六腑找到一个安全的埋葬地之前,他不能死。He can't die until the government finds a safe place to bury his liver.

于是,学习的兴趣大涨,五脏六腑都觉得清新。Therefore, the study interest rises sharply, the viscera is full of fresh air.

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大家的五脏六腑啊,难道大家以为肚子里面的神经末梢会比脑袋里面的多吗?!The gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your stomach than in your head?

我们还要掏出他们的五脏六腑来润滑我们的坦克履带。We're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks.

走进休息室时,一想起格斯和布鲁姆的铺子,他的五脏六腑又揪紧了。As he walked into the lobby, his insides tightened again with the thought of Gus and Blum's.

中医的大部分理论是恢复五脏六腑等器官功能治疗的理论。Most of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is recovering physiologic function of organs.

他的五脏六腑又回来了,感觉好像它们刚才被拿出去灌满了铅。His insides had come back again. It felt as though they had been filled with lead in their absence.

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我真感到五脏六腑都不舒服,头上出冷汗,胃里折腾,好象吃了不新鲜的海货。I felt an actual sickness in all of me inside and a sweating and a nausea as though I had swallowed bad sea food.

科学家们的愿望是终有一天能将这些蝾螈的基因移植到被截肢或五脏六腑受损的人身上,让他们的四肢和器官重新生长出来。The hope is one day for their genes to be transplanted to people who lose limbs and organs only to see them re-grow.

我最后得到的结论是,正常而可靠的五脏六腑较诸任何份量的脑子对人更为重要。I have finally come to conclusion that a good reliable set of bowels is worth more to a man than any quantity of brain.

哈利的五脏六腑像拳头一样攥紧了。他不能把实情告诉她。为了逃避回答,他喝光了最后一点儿火焰威士忌。His insides clenched like a fist. He could not tell her the truth. He drank the last of his firewhisky to avoid answering.

从祖国医学经络学说看,人的五脏六腑在脚上都有相应的穴位。From the meridian theory of Chinese medicine, a person's internal organs have corresponding acupuncture points in the feet.

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我每天早晨醒来时口干舌燥,感觉我身体里的五脏六腑错了位,身体异常沉重。I woke up every morning with a dry mouth and the sensation that my insides were in the wrong place and too heavy for my body.

原来是姑娘衣裤上的绣花针象万支利箭刺伤了蟒蛇的五脏六腑。It was because that the clothes the girl had on were weaved with the embroidery needles which stabbed the boa through its viscera.

我们都学会了如何把死鸡搁进滚烫的水,拔毛并且清出五脏六腑。之后的很多天我们就吃这些鸡肉。We all learned how to dip the corpses in scalding water, pluck and eviscerate them, and we all ate chicken for many days afterward.