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这里有多少万古霉素?。How much vancomycin is there?

而这段历程似乎经过了万古之长。This took seemingly eons of time.

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祂要藏你在万古的盘石中。He'll hide you ever in the rock of ages.

未发现万古霉素耐药株。No vancomycin resistant strains detected.

抗万古霉素肠球菌的大衣没有被污染。None of the coats was contaminated with VRE.

我们相信,我们的友谊将会万古长表。We're sure our friendship will last forever.

三十多年前,我所在的农场还是一片渺无人烟的万古荒原。It's a wasteland near my farm for 30 years ago.

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葡萄球菌对万古霉素的耐药率为0。The resistance rate to vancomycin of cocci was 0.

生命只一代,美名万古存。Life is for one generation, a good name is forever.

但所有葡萄球菌皆对万古霉素敏感。But all these staphylococcus was sensitive to vancomycin.

革兰阳性球菌敏感性最高为万古霉素。Gram-positive cocci highest susceptibility to vancomycin.

未发现耐亚胺培南和万古霉素的菌株。Strain resistant to imiperem or vancomycin was not verified.

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替考拉宁较之万古霉素使用时间更短。The treatment time of teicoplanin is shorter than vancomycin.

葡萄球菌对万古霉素和替考拉宁完全敏感。Staphylococci is fully sensitive to vancomycin and teicoplanin.

环丙沙星和万古霉素对MRSA和MSSA都有较好的抗菌活性。Vancomycin and Ciprofloxacin had good activities to MRSA and MSSA.

未发现耐万古霉素的葡萄球菌和肠球菌。No vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus or Enterococcus was detected.

这恩典是万古之先,在基督耶稣里赐给我们的。This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time

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世界并非万古不变,而是日新月异。World changes with each passing day instead of remaining unchanging.

尚未发现耐万古霉素的葡萄球菌株及肠球菌株。Staphylococcus and enterococcus resistant to vancomycin were not found.

但对万古霉素的药物类似被广泛应用于家畜当时。But a drug similar to vancomycin was widely used in livestock at the time.