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旗帜在风中飘舞着。Flags danced in the wind.

微风中彩旗飘舞。Colorful flags danced in the breeze.

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雪在空中飘舞,明亮而优美。Snow danced in the mid sky, light and graceful.

因为在户外,你能看到树叶在飘舞等等。because as you can see the leaves are turning and so.

火星向上飞旋,雪花向下飘舞。A swirl of sparks rose to meet the snowflakes coming down.

站起来,看那为你飘舞的旗帜、为你吹响的号角。Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills.

落叶看起来像小船在风中飘舞。The fallen leaves look like little boats dancing in the wind.

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在步行返回的路上,树叶有开始在风中飘舞。Walking back down to the road, the leaves start to float again.

你总是温柔地飘舞在山间,是那么亲近,亲切。You always gently flying in the mountains, is so close, cordial.

它穿过阳台的门,吹得窗帘随风飘舞。It floats through the balcony doors and makes the curtains dance.

雪不停地下着,鹅毛似的雪片随风飘舞。The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers.

小河边一阵阵清风拂过,堤岸柳枝飘舞,粉色花瓣纷飞。A small river a breeze blowing, the willows fluttered, pink petals fly.

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我现在可以想见彩虹战旗在战场上飘舞。Yes, I can see it now, rainbow battle flagswaving over field of battle.

我不悲伤,心情里多了份快乐和飘舞的乐趣。I am not sad, there is another happiness and joy of flutter in my heart.

那天我带了领带,它在风中飘舞起来。I wore a tie that day, and it was leaping this way and that in the wind.

随风飘舞的雪花,于我,随风而逝的青春骚动。With the wind Piaowu snow on me, and gone with the wind of youth unrest.

她坐在窗旁,看着纷纷落下的叶子在空中飘舞。She sat beside the window, watching the falling leaves floating in the air.

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抬头仰望着天上飘舞的风筝,仿佛给蔚蓝的天空镶嵌着朵朵鲜花。I look up to the sky, as if sunk-in kite to the blue sky studded with flowers.

更重要的是,我与父母在雪花飘舞之时翩跹而起,徜徉于天际。What is more, I skied against the snowflakes dancing with my parents in the sky.

她慢慢地冲过终点,纸带在她的身后飘舞。She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.