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作文是八股文。Composition, eight-part essay.

过去的八股文,教条主义和现在的医疗模式有什么区别。Past eight-legged essay, dogmatism and present's medical pattern has any difference.

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随着各种思想的兴起,八股文中也出现了非正统的思想。With the rise of various thoughts the unorthodox thought appeared in Eight-part essay.

第一章探讨八股文称名、八股文的考试范式及其在科举考试中的地位。Chapter One analyse its name , pattern and its dominative status in the Imperial examination.

内容陈旧的八股文,其布局形式未尝不可借鉴。Although the content of "eight part essay" is timeworn, the form and layout can be used for reference.

三是明清时代的八股文开了它的先河,只不过不像八股文那样呆板、机械和唯一。But, it can not be like eight-part essaies because eight-part essaies are dull, mechanical and unique.

我以为主要当从八股文取士的科举制度中去探寻。I think mainly when taking a disability from the eight-legged essay in the examination system to explore.

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八股文是明清科举考试最基本也是最重要的一种文体。The Eight-part essay was one of the special styles for the Imperial Examination from Ming to Qing Dynasty.

但随着“五四”新文化运动的兴起,人们对八股文的关注又开始复苏。When the May Fourth New Cultural Movement emerged, the attention to the Eight-part essay began to recover.

“清真雅正”是清代科举八股文的衡文标准。"QingZhengYaZheng" is the marking criterion for the Eight-part Essay of the Imperial examination in Qing Dynasty.

科举考试专用文体之一的八股文历来受到人们的批判和指斥,其“代言”又成为人们批判八股文的重要内容。The Eight-Part Essay writing in the Imperial Examination System has drawn much criticism, especially on the Daiyan part.

八股文是一种相当僵化的文体,自明代开始,对八股文的批评几乎无时或息,但它为什么能够长期沿用达五百多年之久呢?Eight-part essay is a kind of stereotyped writing style, the criticism of which has hardly ceased since the Ming Dynasty.

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系统地反思八股文在中国历史上的影响也是二十世纪以来学界的一项重要课题。Making a systematic study of the influence of the Eight-part essay on Chinese history was an important task since the 20th century.

在清代就有过三次废除八股文的科举制改革,这几次改革对知识分子产生了重大的影响。So there were three reforms of imperial examination system in Qing Dynasty. And these reforms had a deep effect on the intellectuals.

第一印象不过是大致分类,如书的体裁,有散文、诗歌、小说、随笔,也有说教八股文。The first impression is just the general classification, such as a Book genre, prose, poetry, novels, essays, there are preaching stereotyped writing.

八股文“代圣贤立言”的特征有一个在儒家经典阐释传统中逐步孕育而成的过程。Interpreting sages' thoughts as a characteristic of the Chinese traditional eight-part essay came into being with the interpretation of Confucian classics.

八股文是明清科举考试的一种专用文体,1901年被正式废除,此后十多年,少有人提起它。The Eight-part essay was one of the special styles for the Imperial Examination from Ming to Qing Dynasty. It was rarely mentioned after it was abolished in 1901.

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八股文是明代影响广泛的一种文体,它要求内容源于“四书”,能够“代圣贤立言”。Eight-part essay, a kind of widespread literary style in Ming Dynasty, prescribes its contents according to the Four Books and can be functioned as the saints' ideas.

近现代反传统语境中,科举制与八股文普遍受到不公正对待。In the counter-traditional environment during the modern and contemporary times, the imperial examination system and the eight-part essay have received unfair treatment.

根据茅、唐等人的相关理论,唐宋派对前七子“文必秦汉”主张的反驳,主要是从指导八股文写作的角度立论的。Through analysis of the theories of Mao Kun and Tang Shunzhi and so on, the article confirmed that the refute to Qianqizi was mainly in the light of writing of eight-part essay.