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喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。The magpies nest year high, waterlogging rain.

修筑了土墙和排水沟来防止风沙和水涝。Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water.

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但是有少量的水稻品种实际上不怕水涝。But a few strains of rice are actually fine with a good flood.

沙子当然是松散的泥土,但如果没有经受水涝的话,它们还不会变成流沙。Sand is of course loose soil but unless water logged will not act like quicksand in this regard.

它不含稳定剂,甜味剂和水涝水果,它尝起来口味新鲜,味道尖酸而不酸腐。It's free of stabilizers, sweeteners and waterlogged fruit, and it's fresh tasting and tart, not sour.

楼兰毁于水涝给我们的启示是西部干旱区的城镇规划建设也要防涝防洪。The Loulan's disappearance tells us that town planning in Western Regions should prevent waterlogging and flood nowadays.

休眠期安排平榛的晾晒试验,生长期安排水涝试验和榛子的生长规律动态测定试验。In the growth phase, the waterlogging experiment was carried out and the dynamic rule of filbert developing was mensurated.

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对水涝敏感的作物,当水涝造成根部通风不足时,将经受压力。Crops sensitive to water logging experiences stress when the aeration condition in the root zone becomes deficient as a result of water logging.

为了兼取上述两种优点,科学家们研究了一些抗水涝水稻,并发现了两种在浅水水稻品种中没有的基因。To get the best of both worlds, the scientists studied some submersible rice and found two genes that are not present in shallow-water varieties.

逆境胁迫因子主要有干旱、盐渍、低温、水涝等,是限制植物生长和区域分布以及影响农作物产量和质量的重要因素。Adversity-stresses, like drought, salinity, cold, flood, and so on, it can influence plant growth, distribution, production capacity and the quality of crops.

此外,全球气候变暖由于造成一些地方干旱频发和其它地方水涝加重而使得农民的生活日益艰难。Moreover, global warming is likely to make farmers' lives increasingly difficult, by causing more frequent droughts in some places and worse flooding in others.

当地的小生产者从1公顷或更小的鱼塘获得稳定的收入,但他们要在同一块水涝地上同更大的商业公司竞争。Small local producers earning a steady living from a fishpond of one hectare or less compete with larger commercial concerns, often for the same waterlogged land.

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来自孟加拉国的一个不寻常的例子是“浮动菜园”——利用水草的基底种植蔬菜——它可以在水涝和洪水地区种植作物。An unusual example from Bangladesh is "floating gardens" — using a base of aquatic weeds to grow vegetables — which allow cultivation in waterlogged and flooded areas.

然而,他今晚参加预备队比赛以恢复比赛状态的机会随着比赛由于布莱克本的场地水涝问题延期而破灭了。However, his chance of getting match fitness under his belt for the reserves tonight has been dashed following the postponement of the game at Blackburn due to a waterlogged pitch.

这些中心近年来取得多项成就,其中包括为非洲开发耐旱玉米以及能够耐受水涝的新型稻米品种。The centers have had a number of successes in recent years, developing, among other things, drought-tolerant corn for Africa and a new variety of rice that can tolerate episodes of flooding.

如何有效地削减暴雨径流,减少或根除城市水涝灾害,保护好城市水生态环境,已成为一个广受关注的重大课题。How to cut down the surface runoff, to exterminate or to reduce the disaster of urban water logging, protect the city's water ecosystem environment, have become an important topic concerned widely.