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我们还侵占它们的栖息地,铺路盖房子。Or pave their habitats.

政府用混凝土铺路。The government concreted the road over.

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考虑可以种植的差距铺路。Consider pavers with gaps that can be planted.

那工人仍忙着用混凝土铺路。The workman is still busy concreting the road.

板石用作铺路材料的扁平的石块。A flat slab of stone used as a paving material.

工人们仍忙着用混凝土铺路。The workmen are still busy concreting the road.

他们封锁了一条车道在铺路。One lane is closed while they're paving the road.

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铺路式激光制导炸弹开始爆炸了。Paveway ii laser-guided bombs started to explode.

完全用土建成、未铺路面的道路。Earth road Unsurfaced road made entirely out of earth.

铺路工夯实铺路石和松土。The paviours beetled the paving stones and loose earth.

这些特权,都是父母用金钱铺路,为他争取来的。All these priviliges were gained with his parents' money.

银杏树也很经得住烟雾、铺路盐、害虫等的侵袭。Ginkgoes also stand up well to smog, road salt and pests.

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沥青,柏油一种含沥青物质,如沥青,用于铺路。A bituminous material, such as asphalt, used to pave roads.

有人说,死亡是为新生铺路开道的必然。Some people say death is necessary to make way for the new born.

但是瓶玻璃可磨成沙,用于铺路的街道。But bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pave streets.

铺路材料可以吸收公园里草地流出来的雨水。The pavers absorb the park's rainwater runoff from the grassy areas.

万尼瓦尔·什是数字图书馆的奠基人,电子计算机发明的铺路人。Vanrevar Bush is the founder of digital library and computer invention.

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郑宏岑,反是不思去后悔,而是为前进铺路。Covariates Zheng Hong cen, not to regret, but paves the way for progress.

在草坪上铺路既环保,又易于维护。The pavers on the lawn are environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

一旦冷却,这种熔渣就可以用来制砖或者铺路。Once it has cooled, this slag can be used to make bricks or to pave roads.