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你只管干下去。Go ahead by all means.

只管写,不需要去读。No need to read it over.

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然后你就只管找衣服穿去。Then you just go get dressed.

这就是为什么我说只管干就行的原因。Thatís why I say just go for it.

老约翰只管继续敲敲打打地干活儿。Old John kept right on hammering.

主对亚拿尼亚说,你只管去。But the Lord said to Ananias, 'Go!

只管看那星星和天际。Just look to the stars and beyond.

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政治、关系——你只管讲出来。Politics, relationships--you name it.

你只管把要买的放进来。Just put what you want in the trolley.

所以你只管拿好你的枪,我也会拿好我的枪。So you get your gun and I’ll get mine.

我照看警报灯,你只管飞行。I'll keep my eye on the warning lights.

不要没有耐心,只管安稳站定Be not impatient, but in stillness stand

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只管他还是个孩子,却被立为国王了。Boy while he was- he was mpostinge king.

我信!只管看那星星和天际。I do! Just look to the stars and beyond.

只管照顾好你的位置。Just take yourself out of the situation.

这时你最好闭上嘴巴只管打比赛就行了。So keep your mouth shut and play the game.

女儿啊,你只管安坐静待Sit still, my daughter! Just sit calmly still!

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只管干你的工作,就象什么事也没有发生过。Just go about your work as if nothing had happened.

今天,只管做你能做的,接着明天继续。Do whatever you can today, then continue on tomorrow.

担心也没用。只管好好准备,然后再试着睡个好觉。Worrying doesn't help. Just study and try to sleep well.