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试想一下。Imagine that.

试想,一个裸猿怎么样?How about a naked ape?

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试想一个违规停车罚单。Think of a parking ticket.

试想一下飞机票。Consider an airline ticket.

试想,假若它意志薄弱。If it were ever weak-minded.

试想飞禽走兽如何降生。Imagining how the beasts began.

试想一下,我们原本可以成就多少事情?Just think of what we could have done.

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试想,旁边的同伴很伤心。Just image, if all accompaniers are sad.

但是试想下不可能之事也无妨。But it is as well to think about the impossible.

仇恨是让人窒息的,试想你们有谁愿作那坟墓?Hate is a dead thing. Who of you would be a tomb?

试想一下略有不同的版本。Imagine a slightly different version of this case.

试想一下另外如降落伞绳索和吊桥上的绳索。Think parachute cords and suspension bridge cables.

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如果选择变革,试想我们能够做些什么。If we choose to change, just imagine what we can do.

试想你这样干下去会有好结果吗?Just think. Will it do you any good if you go on like this?

把他们试想成设计竞赛的指导者。Think of them as your design competition creative director.

试想一下,如果用户知道这件产品只是个试验品,会怎么样?Imagine if your users knew that this was just an experiment!

试想一下,你的车挤在水泄不通的马路上。Just imagine that you're bumper to bumper in rush-hour traffic.

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试想一想南极探险家忍受的艰难困苦。Think of the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic.

试想一下,如果在足球比赛中一队的球门比另外一队小会怎么样呢?Imagine if in Soccer one team's goal was smaller than the others.

试想一下旧金山没有了贝弗利山,巴黎没有了咖啡馆。Think of San Francisco without the hills, Paris without the cafs.