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我懒不懒,与你这厮有何干系?I owe this to our team.

这与建造商有什么干系呢What does that do to builders?

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无限的政治野心显然脱不了干系。Boundless ambition was part of it.

目前的产品有速干系列。Sugan the current series of products.

法蕾妲和哥德里克是什么干系?What is Freyda's relationship to Godric?

杨继盛与商业有何干系?What does Yang Jisheng have to do with business?

那与我的日常生活有何干系?What does that have to do with my day to day life?

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他并不认为这是想让这位副总监脱离干系。He didn't think of it as letting the VP off the hook.

一方面来说,金融政策与每个国家都有干系。On the one hand, finance is every country's business.

元件尺寸、吸嘴范例等干系信息。Information on component dimensions, nozzle type, etc.

我知道这跟生意脱不了干系。I know, I can’t believe it went out of business either.

项目管理需要更大程度的干系。Project management requires a higher degree of involvement.

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其它安全问题则与代码错误毫无干系。Other security lapses have nothing to do with coding errors.

没干系的,它是棉制的,你不会感触热的。That's no probelm. It is made of cotton, so you won't feel hot.

这些照片其他不同点就和人类活动脱不了干系了。Other differences between the images are related to human activity.

我向您竭力保举,您没干系试一下,它会令您的生活更轻松。I fully recommend you to try it and it will make life easier for you.

协调和项目相关的干系人。SP2.1 Manage the involvement of the relevant stakeholders in project.

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在涉及各个干系人时是必要的。It is necessary in dealing with Trade- offs' take' various stakeholders.

这小杂种和我们一点干系都没有,更别说娶她的那畜生。This brat has nothing to do with either of us, nor any beast she marries.

糖尿病患者数目增长迅速,这与肥胖脱不了干系。There is the dramatic increase in diabetes, much of it related to obesity.