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在这个监狱里,他可是个举足轻重的人物。In this prison he is a heavy hitter.

近年来博弈论在法学上也举足轻重Game Theory is very important in law these days.

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银行的资金在这个合并案中扮演着举足轻重的角色。Bank funding plays a critical role in this merger.

玉在中华文化中举足轻重。NO05,6. Jade is very important in Chinese culture.

媒人曾在婚礼的规划上占有举足轻重的角色。Matchmakers used to be very important to wedding plans.

恺撒皇宫在同行业中地位举足轻重。Caesars Palace plays an important part in hotel industry.

在这类博弈中领导力的作用举足轻重In those kind of games, leadership can help tremendously.

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云在全球气候系统中扮演着举足轻重的角色。Clouds play an important role in the global climate system.

这“三剑客”,特别是默克尔的意见现在依旧举足轻重。The views of this trio, especially Ms Merkel, still matter.

国家在全球史上举足轻重。请各抒己见。The State made all the deference in global history. Discuss.

现代战争中主力舰的作用举足轻重。In modern wars, capital ships have a very important function.

所有人结业生同事,你们在咱们的未来中扮演举足轻重的角色。Graduates, you get an extraordinary role to play in we future.

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在港口作业中,特种设备起着举足轻重的作用。In port operations, special equipment plays an important role.

在低速碰撞过程中,保险杠发挥了举足轻重的地位。Bumpers play a very important role during a low-velocity crash.

在乐坛举足轻重的这三个男人,在梅姑生命中都占了一席之位。The 3 famous man of the music industry are important to Mui Koo.

同样地,KEA中国在这一进程中也扮演了一个举足轻重的角色。Equally, KEA China has an important role to play in this process.

玉门油田和长庆油田的作用举足轻重。The oil fields at Yumen and Changqing are considered significant.

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龙和凤在中国神话里有着举足轻重的地位。Dragon and Phoenix in Chinese mythology has an important position.

俄国术语学在世界范围内占有举足轻重的地位。Russian terminological science is of world-widely great importance.

低碳烯烃在石化工业中起着举足轻重的作用。Light alkenes play a significant role in the petrochemical industry.