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我现在就要起床吗?。Dol have to get up now?

我一会儿就要出去了。I'll be out in a jiffy.

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我的车一会儿就要退出来。I have to back out soon.

它马上就要掉下码头了。It tips off of the dock.

马上就要下雨了。It's going to rain soon.

就要水吧,她回答说。Just water, she replied.

金属遇热就要膨胀。Metals expand with heat.

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崭新的黎明就要来临。A new dawn seemd to arrive.

实际情况是我明天就要去北京。A. as a matter of fact adv.

下周一我就要离开伦敦了。I am flying out next Monday.

或许我下周就要溘然长逝了。I may not be here next week.

她最近就要出国。She'll be going abroad soon.

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我一会儿就要出去了。NO11, I'll be out in a jiffy.

蜡黄的脸色预示厄运就要降临。With the yellow face of Doom.

雷阵雨马上就要来了。A thunder shower is coming up.

如今我就要离开人世了,吗?。But when Idie , I'll be alone.

要打就要趁虫靠近的时候。Strike while the bug is close.

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突击登陆艇就要被放下水去。Assault craft would be lowered.

龙虾的旺季就要到了。Lobster thermidor is coming up.

下周就要期中考了。Midterm is next week, you know.