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如果您是平均轨枕,您的睡眠周期如下。If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows.

TEC可以提供各种轨枕及轨道紧固件。P-TEC provides sleepers for various systems and rail fastenings.

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轨枕表面必须没有裂缝,且有小数量的小孔。Sleeper surfaces should be free of cracks and have a small amount of pores.

介绍了以欧姆龙PLC为核心的轨枕养护控制系统。This paper introduces control system of sleeper maintenance based on OMRON PLC.

因此对双块式轨枕混凝土进行国产化的研究,是很有价值的。Therefore, it is significant to research the internal standard for the concrete.

采用废水胎与再生胶代替原胶,可生产出经济型轨枕垫。A economical bolster of railwag sleeper has been produced with used water tire and after-rubber.

轨枕之间不允许在双枕,短枕以及枕头处进行接触。Sleepers are not allowed to contact each other at double sleeper, short sleeper and sleeper heads.

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本文采用正交设计的方法,对粉煤灰在高强预应力混凝土轨枕中的应用进行了试验研究。This paper studied the application of fly ash on concrete sleeper with the method of ortho design.

本产品广泛使用在大型桥梁及轨枕等水泥制品脱模工艺上。These products are widely used in large Bridges and sleeper demoulding craft such as cement products.

在轨座上,正弯矩静态试验,每一枕木对应一个轨枕,共3个枕木。On the rail chair, positive bending moment static test, one rail bearing for each sleeper, on 3 sleepers.

在轨座上,正弯矩静态试验,每一枕木对应一个轨枕,共5个枕木。On the rail chair, positive bending moment static test, one rail bearing for each sleeper, on 5 sleepers.

铁轨下面的泥土看起来已被浸泡,混凝土轨枕和钢轨已被淹没,照片显示重型机械拖走了枕轨,并压平了铁路床。Thee ground under the tracks appears to have become waterlogged and the concrete ties and steel track submerged.

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自动轨枕螺栓涂油机采用传感器、PLC控制技术,是一个机电一体化的小巧设备。Automatic sleeper bolts oiling machine is an exquisite mechatronic equipment with sensors and PLC control technology.

分析中采用轨枕-道床全支承模式,土体采用理想弹塑性动本构模型。The ideal touch model between tie and bed and the ideal elastoplastic dynamic model of soil are adopted for analysis.

CTS2型道岔转辙机是国内专用于青藏铁路的新型轨枕式道岔转辙机。CTS2 type switch machine is a kind of new type home-made sleeper switch machine specially used in Qinghai-Tibet railway.

指出,以林业和工业废弃资源为主要原料研制新型材料轨枕是该领域的发展方向。In the end, it is pointed out that the new railway sleeper material should be made from forestry and industry remainder.

轨枕配置标准应与运营条件相适应,并与轨道各部件合理匹配。Standard for sleeper arrangement should conform to operating conditions, and should match with different parts of track.

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九广铁路公司一名发言人表示,这是该公司第一次一口气送出这麽多轨枕。A spokesperson from the railway company said it was the first time the company had given away so many sleepers in one go.

为了适应其他轨枕,这些待用的轨枕不能干扰负荷的分配与夯实。In accordance with other sleepers, these sleepers to be used shall not pose an obstacle for load distribution and tamping.

改变过车速度不能有效地抑制轨枕离散支撑导致的钢轨波磨形成和发展速度。The change of the curving speeds doesn't decrease the growth of the rail corrugation caused by the discrete sleeper support.