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我们大力推行了土地改革。We have pushed forward with land reform.

土地改革法公布施行。June 30, 1950, promulgated the Land Reform Act.

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土地改革就是一个有利于公平的政策变革的例子。An example of a pro-equity policy change is land reform.

对这3个国家来说,土地改革才是创造一个双赢局面的关键。Land reform is key to creating a win-win situation for all three countries.

土地改革时他们被划为贫下中农。They classed as poor and lower-middle peasants at the time of the land reform.

1948年,东北土地改革中,翻身农民在丈量土地。Liberated farmers measure the field during the land reform in northeast China in 1948.

从长远来看,土地改革会使政党控制变的宽松,这一点是不容否认的。It would be disingenuous to deny that land reform will loosen party control in the long run.

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这项期待以久的土地改革法案将影响到苏格兰大部分土地所有权关系。The long-awaited Land Reform Bill could affect the ownership of large tracts of Scottish land.

最近签订的政治权力分享协议说明,土地改革是不可逆转的。The recently signed political power-sharing agreement states that the land reform is irreversible.

真正的土地改革揭示了长久以来的不平等源于半封建制度。Genuine land reform would have addressed the age-old inequalities spawned by the semi-feudal set up.

卡扎菲上次访问津巴布韦是在10年前,当时正是穆加贝实施带有暴力色彩的土地改革计划的高潮。Gadhafi last visited Zimbabwe 10 years ago at the height of Mugabe's often violent land-reform program.

土地改革的极大成功,大大加速了全国解放战争的胜利进程。The success of land reform greatly accelerated the country-wide victory of the national liberation war.

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但艾奎诺夫人政权的土地改革计划却来自于地主阶级,并与各种法律漏洞纠缠不清。But the land reform program under Aquino, herself coming from the landed class, was riddled with loopholes.

造成这一局面的部分原因是政府自2001年以来进行的混乱,有时暴力的土地改革。This is due in part to the government's chaotic and sometimes violent land-reform program launched in 2000.

土地改革和镇压反革命运动重组了乡村社会结构,重塑了新的社会关系。The campaign of land reform and the suppression of counterrevolutionary remade a new kind of social relation.

大邑县成了成都周边农村土地改革的先驱,该县称,去年中期就已完成改革。Dayi county, chosen by Chengdu as a trailblazer for land reform, says it got the job done by the middle of last year.

吉尔吉斯斯坦在推行市场改革方面取得了相当不错的进步,例如改良了的体制,土地改革等等。Kyrgyzstan has been fairly progressive in carrying out market reforms, such as an improved regulatory system and land reform.

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但是自从津巴布韦开始土地改革,从白人手中取得土地后,这个国家就一直倚赖食物进口和物资援助。But since the land-reform program began taking farms from whites, the country has had to rely on food imports and aid handouts.

巴西无地工人组织则批评总统卢拉的土地改革没有进展。In Brazil the MST – the landless workers' movement – has criticised President Lula for failing to make advances in land reform.

蒋介石的支持者还说,土地改革拆散了大庄园,在经济上是倒退的。It has also been assumed by Chiang's supporters that land reform is a retrograde economic step because it split up large estates.