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这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。It will remain an indelible stain on his memory.

云为摄影大片做出了不可磨灭的贡献。Clouds are the noble contributor for awesome photos.

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有区别,深,永恒的,不可磨灭的。There was a difference, deep, eternal, ineradicable.

十字军东征给中东留下了不可磨灭的印象。The crusades have left a deep mark on the Middle East.

历史不可磨灭,国耻不能忘却。Indelible history, can not forget national humiliation.

在这种神秘当中,隐藏着世界不可磨灭的向善力量。In that mystery lurks the world’s ineffable potential for good.

和崔雅在一起的经历对我的改变浓烈,深刻,不可磨灭。The events with Treya changed me deeply, profoundly, irrevocably.

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她为全球的环保运动做出了不可磨灭的贡献。Li Leshi has also made huge contributions to the global environmental movement.

可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible.

大部分我们所赞赏的“大创意”都是以不可磨灭的鲜明个性影响品牌。Most of the "big ideas" we all admire imbue the brand with an indelible character.

他在国务部、在我国乃至全世界都留下了不可磨灭的印迹。And he left an indelible mark on this Department, on our country, and on the world.

多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂在音乐史上所做出的贡献不可磨灭。The contributions Domenico Scarlatti had made in musical history will not worn away.

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构想一个你成功的精神画面并把它不可磨灭地印在你的脑海中。Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding.

从出生到死亡,有些人甚至可以说不仅是从生到死,奴隶的身份成为了世世代代不可磨灭的印记By a cradle to grave and some would've even said a cradle to grave and beyond--human bondage.

因重伤了他妻子的新男友而入狱两年的经历不幸地成为了他履历上不可磨灭的污点。Two years in prison for GBH on his wife's new boyfriend is unfortunately etched on his CV.

在近代中国青年运动史上,少年先锋队组织有着不可磨灭的伟大贡献。Young Pioneers had an ever lasting contribution in the modern youth movement history in China.

除非它不可磨灭地存在于您的购物清单上,否则就控制您的冲动,赶紧去买下一件物品。If it wasn’t indelibly marked on your grocery list, control your instincts and move on quickly.

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克里斯伯格先生表示,很显然,虽然无警务工作改善所起的作用不可磨灭,但这不可能是主要解释。Obviously, smarter policing can’t hurt, Mr Krisberg says, but it cannot be the main explanation.

那一夜的晚上,你悄悄的跑进我的心窝,在我心刻上不可磨灭的回忆。That night the evening, you quietly ran into the Xinwo I, in my heart inscribed indelible memories.

因此,宋慈对建兰的外传做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。Accordingly, song Ci is right of sword-leaved cymbidium outside pass made graven history contribute.