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你干兼职工作吗?Do you have a part-time job?

你做过兼职吗?Did you do any part-time jobs?

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其中有很多是兼职的。There are lots of part-timers.

我在比佛利山庄干兼职。I work part-time in Beverly Hills.

他在酒吧兼职做歌手。He moonlights as a singer in a bar.

我做兼职挣学费。I work part-time to pay my tuition.

我们的兼职工作是每周25小时。Our part-time work week is 25 hours.

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哪种兼职最普遍?What kind of part-time job is popular?

克莱蒙做兼职而且总是在家。Clem works part time and is home a lot.

我只做兼职,一周上两天班。I only work part-time, two days a week.

兼职和定期工作是很常见的。Part-time and sessional work is common.

在课程期间,我可以做兼职吗?Can I work part-time during my programme?

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你能跟我们讲讲你的兼职吗?Can you tell us about your part-time job?

我是一个家庭主妇和兼职教师。I am a housewife and a part time teacher.

我是一个兼职工作者而且有固定的收入。I work part-time and have a fixed income.

想要一个兼职上帝作为私人用途。Wants a part-time God for the private use.

那个球队是由兼职球员组成的业余选手。from an amateur side of part-time players.

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我在一家广告公司兼职。I work part-time at an advertising company.

我想找份在校园工作的兼职。I'd like to find a part-time job on campus.

兼职工作是现代社会发展的趋势。Partime job is the trend of modern society.