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每日记下工作日志。Rept on logbook daily.

罗斯在工作日不可以看电视。Rose can't watch TV on weekdays.

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你是怎样度过一个工作日的?How do you spend your working day?

他们在工作日经常出外去吃饭。They often dine forth on weekdays.

他们在工作日里经营着一个五金店。They ran a hardware store weekdays.

在工作日,通常每周,Well, in the week time, like weekly,

像对待学习日一样对待每一个工作日。Treat every workday like a school day.

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什么是净工作日及其工作原理What is networkdays and how does it work?

期程经常以工作日或工作周表示。Usually expressed as workdays or workweeks.

在公司上班的典型的工作日是什么样的?What was your typical workday like at the firm?

每个工作日的晚上我都在睡前把衣服熨好。Ironed my clothes each weeknight before bedtime.

允许15至30个工作日才能收到您的资料袋。Allow 15 to 30 business days to receive your kit.

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航空邮件一般需要5个工作日。It usually takes about 5 working days by airmail.

洗漱,吃早餐,阅读工作日计划。Wash eat breakfast read the plan of our work day.

具体被分为平凡日,或者说普通日,世俗日和工作日。There are ordinary, common, profane days, work days.

我们夏季工作日最忙的时候是早上8点到10点。Our busiest times are 8am to 10am on summer weekdays.

披萨店在工作日夜晚提供免费外送服务。This pizza parlor offers free delivery on weeknights.

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大多数工作日她都很晚才坐着运动员巴士回到家。Most weekdays she came home very late on the jock bus.

你能面对每周六天或七天12个小时的工作日吗?Can you face six or seven 12-­hour workdays every week?

他每天六点起床。工作日很早就去上班。He gets up at six everyday, and goes to work very eary.