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回火组织中出现少量贝氏体。The tempered structure had a little bainite.

肉也用微波来解冻、预热和回火。Meats could be defrosted, precooked and tempered.

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他们管这叫硫化或电镀或者是回火之类。They call that vulcanized or galvanized or tempered.

分别是淬火,回火,退火,正火。Heat quench heat temper heat anneal heat correctitude.

户外木家用热水炉回火阀门。Domestic "hot" water furnace outdoor wood calmed valve.

回火具有缓升缓降功能。There are slow rise and slow decline functions of tempering.

它们是退火,回火,与正火。They are annealing, normalizing, hardening, and tem- pering.

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空冷后高温回火产生回火脆性。However, a temper brittleness has appeared after high temper.

它由防锈的回火钢制成,具有缎光表面。It is made of rustproof tempering steel with a satin-finish surface.

我知道有多少人因为燃油喷射装置回火而活活烧死。I know how many people burn alive because of fuel-injector flashback.

淬透性与等温回火温度无关。The hardenability is irrelevant to the isothermal tempering temperature.

一部巨大的机械被用来完成该任务,但是回火确杀死了众多市民。A great machine is built to do this, but backfires and kills most of the city.

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通过弯曲回火软处理铜管,可以制作一个简单的膨胀循环回路。By bending soft temper copper tube , a simple form of expansion loop can be made.

通过热处理试验对T23钢的回火脆性进行了研究。The temper brittleness of T23 steel was studied through heat treatment experiment.

经过回火之后,钢的强度增大,因为其晶粒变细了。After having been tempered, the steel becomes stronger because its grains get finer.

回火提供了获得各种综合机械性能的方法。Tempering offers a means of obtaining various combinations of mechanical properties.

MIM钢试样的疲劳强度随着回火温度升高而减低。Fatigue strength of the MIM specimens declined with increasing tempering temperature.

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磨削热导致回火引起淬硬钢磨削后表面硬度变化。Tempering by grinding heat causes hardness change at the surface of the hardened steels.

当混合气体在喷灯,软管或调节器处被点燃时,就会发生回火。A backfire or flashback occurs when mixed gases are ignited in the torch, hose or regulator.

回火问题是贫燃料预混燃烧面临的主要问题之一。Flashback is one of the major problems in lean premixed combustion of gas turbine combustor.