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现有泉眼四口。It has four existing springs.

那口泉眼泉水喷涌。Water sprang from the fountain.

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他知道上面有一个泉眼。He knew that there was a spring farther up.

泉眼,树木和小屋消失了,我不知身在何地。Fount, Tree, and Shed are gone, I know not whither.

泉眼中不断地涌出泉水。The water was spilling out of the mouth of the spring.

邻近的泉眼提供了固定的新鲜水源。Nearby springs provide a constant supply of fresh water.

海洋、河流、湖泊、泉眼和井里都有水。There is water in seas, rivers, lakes, springs and wells.

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我们伏在地面上喝泉眼里的水。We fell prone on the ground and drank water from the spring.

看看,这里的泉眼还一直冒着热腾腾的气泡呢。See, So many bubble rise from the mouth of spring , It's very hot.

泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。Silent spring cherish trickle, according to love clear water shade supple.

济南市一个历史悠久的城市,城内泉眼众多,因此又被称为“泉城”。Jinan City, a historic city, the city of many springs, it is also known as "Spring City."

生活的乐趣是一口很深的泉眼,只有深深地挖掘,才能喷出清润,甘甜的泉水。This joy of life is a deep spring. Only when digging deep , can you draw clear and sweet water.

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在平班镇岩晚村腊岩、胆红两屯共用的一处泉眼,密密麻麻摆放了35只水桶,排队等候舀水。At a spring source between Yanwan Village and Danhong Village, 35 buckets are lining up for water.

从这里看起来象是一片水网,无疑地,这些水都从地下泉眼直通到河里。It looked there like a network of liquid threads which doubtless reached the river by some underground drain.

泉水涌出的地方,各色大石头围绕在泉眼旁成为一个小潭,造就了一口天然的泉井。Where the water came up, a natural well made of big rocks of many colors surrounded the spring to form a small pool.

尽管商店里也可以买到水,居民们通常会在当地的泉眼把瓶子重新装满。While it's still possible to buy water in shops, it's common for residents to refill their own bottles at the local springs.

据发现,距离海水表面100英尺深处,在凹坑基部分布着泉眼,50英尺宽,65英尺深。Found as deep as 100 feet from the surface, the springs lie at the base of craters as large as 50 feet wide and 65 feet deep.

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你们的欢乐是无法掩饰的忧伤。你欢笑的泉眼常常也饱含泪水。Your joy is your sorrow unmasked . And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.

他们都顺着他的目光看去,刚切开的西瓜还有一半,外面全是红红的液体,正在不停地向外涌出……象泉眼一样!They all along his eyes look, just cut watermelon and half full red liquid, is continuously jetted forth STH. As spring the same!

三是将原有的自然暖泉眼作成主题莲花区,成为观光路线上的必经主题景观。Three is make original natural warm spring eye topic lotus area, become making sight-seeing tripping route up of necessarily through topic view.